Abstract | Cilj provedene studije bio je dublji uvid u konstrukt kompulzivne kupovine utvrđivanjem značajnih prediktorskih determinanti ovog konstrukta i sklonosti sudionica kompulzivnoj kupovini. Potencijalne determinante čiji se odnos s kompulzivnom kupovinom ispitivao su: materijalizam, narcizam i zavisno samopoštovanje o kompeticiji uz demografske varijable dobi i mjesečnih primanja. Sudionici u istraživanju bili su isključivo ženskog spola (N=1060), regrutirani putem grupa na internetskim stranicama društvenih mreža (Facebook, Instagram i sl.) te grupnih e-mail adresa. Odabrana je Skala kompulzivne kupovine (Compulsive buying scale, D'Astous i sur., 1990) kao mjera za ispitivanje sklonosti kompulzivnoj kupovini, Skala materijalističkih vrijednosti (Materialistic values scale; Richins, 2004) u svrhu kvantifikacije konstrukta materijalizma, NPI-16 (The Narcissistic Personality Inventory, Ames, Rose i Anderson, 2006) kao mjera narcizma te Skala zavisnosti samopoštovanja (Crocker i sur., 2003) čija se samo subskala kompeticije koristila u istraživanju. Rezultati upućuju na visoku sklonost kompulzivnoj kupovini te blage pozitivne korelacije između kompulzivne kupovine i prethodno navedenih varijabli izuzev dobi. Također, ispitan je regresijski model materijalizma, narcizma i zavisnog samopoštovanja (kompeticije) u ulozi prediktorskih varijabli te kompulzivne kupovine u ulozi kriterijske varijable koji je potvrđen kao statistički značajan. U svrhu boljeg objašnjenja varijance kriterijske varijable, formiran je konačan regresijski model s navedenim varijablama te uključenim demografskim varijablama dobi i mjesečnih primanja uz njihove moderatorske učinke dobi na odnos narcizma i kompulzivne kupovine te mjesečnih primanja na odnos zavisnog samopoštovanja (kompeticije) i kompulzivne kupovine. Uz prethodno ustanovljene značajnosti navedenih moderatorskih učinaka, potvrđena je značajnost konačnog regresijskog modela uz 15% objašnjene varijance kompulzivne kupovine. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of the study was to gain a deeper insight into the construct of compulsive buying by identifying significant predictor determinants of this construct and participants' preferences for compulsive buying. Potential determinants whose relationship with compulsive buying has been examined are: materialism, narcissism, and dependent self-esteem about competition with demographic variables of age and monthly income. The study participants were exclusively female (N=1060), recruited through groups on social networking sites (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and group e-mail addresses. The Compulsive buying scale (D'Astous et al., 1990) was chosen as a measure to test the propulsive buying propensity, Materialistic values scale (Richins, 2004) for quantification of the construct of materialism, NPI-16 (The Narcissistic Personality Inventory, Ames, Rose, & Anderson, 2006) as a measure of narcissism and the Self-esteem Dependence Scale (Crocker et al., 2003), whose only competency subscale was used in the study. The results indicate a high propensity for compulsive buying and a slight positive correlation between compulsive buying and the above-mentioned variables except for age. Also, we examined the regression model of materialism, narcissism and dependent self-esteem (competition) in the role of predictor variables and compulsive buying as a criterion variable, which was confirmed as statistically significant. In order to better explain the variance of the criterion variable, a final regression model was formulated with these variables and the included demographic variables of age and monthly income, with their moderating effects of age on the relationship between narcissism and compulsive purchase, and monthly income on the relationship of dependent self-esteem (competition) and compulsive purchase. In addition to the previously established significance of the moderator effects mentioned above, the significance of the final regression model was confirmed with 15% of the explained variance of compulsive buying. |