Abstract | U ovom radu će se istražiti, analizirati i interpretirati društvene i kulturne predodžbe o
adolescentici i ženskoj adolescenciji kasnog 19. stoljeća na temelju Pobratima, prvog hrvatskog
časopisa za adolescent/ic/e u 19. stoljeću. Pedagoška literatura, obrazovanje i odgoj djevojčica
i djevojaka igrali su ključnu ulogu u provođenju i realizaciji ideje „idealnog“ ženskog identiteta.
Djevojke su čitale literaturu snažnog pedagoško-didaktičkog narativa u kojima su adolescentski
ženski likovi utjelovljavali poželjne karakteristike poput požrtvovnosti, radinosti, skromnosti,
jednostavnosti, ljubaznosti, stidljivosti, čednosti, poslušnosti, marljivosti, pobožnosti,
šutljivosti. U adolescentice su se putem školskog obrazovanja i odgoja, a potom i kućnog odgoja
te čitanjem adolescentskoh časopisa, romana i ostale literature trebale afirmirati navedene
karakteristike koje su je upućivale u uloge koje su se smatrale biološki određenim za ženu, a to
su bile uloge supruge, majke i kućanice. U analiziranim pripovijetkama, crticama, narodnim
pričama i ostalim relevantnim tekstovima iz Pobratima, koji su imali pedagoško-didaktičnu
funkciju i koji su prema strukturi i sadržaju bili namijenjeni adolescenticama, dokazat će se
prisutnost upravo navedenog pedagoškog diskursa. Protagonistkinje analiziranih proznih
tekstova najčešće su se susretale sa životnim nedaćama zbog kojih su bile primorane raditi kako
bi osigurale obiteljsku egzistenciju koja se najčešće prekida narativnim krajem sretnog braka
ili, u rjeđim slučajevima, ostaju učiteljicama. U oba slučaja, one ispunjavaju svoje „ženske
dužnosti“ te nisu lišene poželjnih ženskih i/ili djevojačkih karakternih osobina. |
Abstract (english) | This paper will explore, analyze and discuss social and cultural notions of male and female
adolescence based on Pobratim, the first Croatian journal for adolescents in the 19th century.
Pedagogical literature, education and upbringing of little girls and female adolescents played a
key role in the implementation and realization of the idea of an „ideal“ female identity. The
girls read the literature of a strong pedagogical-didactic narrative in which adolescent female
characters embodied desirable characteristics such as sacrifice, diligence, modesty, simplicity,
kindness, shyness, chastity, obedience, diligence, piety, silence. Through school education,
home upbringing and reading magazines, novels and other literature intendend for female
adolescents, young girls had to affirm the above mentioned characteristics that led them to the
roles that were considered biologically determined for a woman, and those were the roles of
wife, mother and housewive. In the analyzed stories, sketches, folk tales and other relevant
texts, Pobratim, which had a pedagogical-didactic function and which, according to the
structure and content, were intended for adolescents, will prove the presence of the abovementioned pedagogical discourse. The protagonists of the analyzed prose texts most often were
encountered with life's adversities due to which they were forced to work to ensure a family
existence, but in the end is most often interrupted by the narrative a happy marriage or, in rare
cases, female characters remain teachers throughout their life. In both cases, they fulfill their
„feminine duties“ and are not deprived of desirable feminine and / or girlish character traits. |