Title Gaming i subjektivna dobrobit, hiperaktivnost, impulzivnost i pažnja
Title (english) Gaming and subjective well-being, hyperactivity, impulsiveness and attention
Author Maja Grgurić
Mentor Lovorka Brajković (mentor)
Committee member Zrinka Greblo Jurakić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Hanzec Marković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lovorka Brajković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Ovo istraživanje bavilo se proučavanjem razine subjektivne dobrobiti, hiperaktivnosti,
impulzivnosti i pažnje kod pojedinaca koji ne igraju, igraju ili pate od problematičnog igranja
videoigara. Navedenim istraživanjem prikupljeno je 244 sudionika od toga je 134 (54,9%) bilo
muškog spola, 107 (43,9%) ženskog spola i 3 (1,2%) se nije htjelo izjasniti. Raspon dobi je bio od
18 do 40 godina, a prosječna dob sudionika iznosila je 24,46 (SD=4,247). Podaci sudionika bili su
prikupljeni putem online upitnika koji je bio distribuiran kroz različite društvene mreže. Upitnik
je sadržavao Dienerove skale subjektivne dobrobiti (Skala zadovoljstva životom, Skala
prosperiteta i Skala pozitivnih i negativnih iskustava) (adaptirane verzije Komšo i Burić, 2016),
Skalu hiperaktivnosti – impulzivnosti – pažnje (Vulić-Prtorić, 2006) i Test poremećaja igranja
videoigara (Pontes i sur., 2019). Za provjeravanje hipoteza koristila se MANOVA i njeni rezultati
su pokazali kako postoji statistički značajna razlika u razinama subjektivne dobrobiti i to na način
da sudionici koji ne igraju videoigre imaju najveću razinu subjektivne dobrobiti, a najmanju razinu
ostvarili su problematični igrači. Problematični igrači su u prosjeku bili statistički značajno
hiperaktivniji, impulzivniji i imali više problema s pažnjom u usporedbi s neigračima i igračima,
a najmanje problema pokazali su igrači koji umjereno igraju videoigre. Nije pronađena statistički
značajna povezanost između vremena igranja videoigara i subjektivne dobrobiti, hiperaktivnosti,
impulzivnosti i pažnje niti između različitih žanrova videoigara i impulzivnosti i pažnje. Važnost
provođenja ovog istraživanja očituje se u tome da se pažnja stavlja na proučavanje efekata
videoigara na populaciji igrača koji umjereno igraju videoigre. Na taj način se mogu otkriti
pozitivni efekti na subjektivnu dobrobit, pažnju, hiperaktivnost i impulzivnost koje pružaju
videoigre. Rezultati ovog istraživanja daju bolji uvid u područje videoigara i kako one mogu
doprinjeti kvaliteti života. Vidi se moguća implementacija rezultata na organizaciju preventivnih
mjera i tretmana kroz videoigre kako bi se poboljšala subjektivna dobrobit, ali i cijelokupna
zdravstvena slika pojedincana.
Abstract (english) This study examined the levels of subjective well-being, hyperactivity, impulsivity, and attention
in individuals who don’t play, play or suffer from problematic videogame play. The survey
gathered 244 participants, of which 134 (54.9%) were male, 107 (43.9%) female and 3 (1.2%) did
not want to disclose their gender. The age range was 18 to 40 years with an average age of 24.46
(sd=4.247). Participant data were collected through an online questionnaire that was distributed
through various social networks. The questionnaire included Diener's scales of subjective wellbeing (Satisfaction with Life Scale, Flourishing Scale and Scale of Positive and Negative
Experiences) (adapted versions by Komšo and Burić, 2016), Scale of hyperactivity-impulsivityattention (Vulić-Prtorić, 2006) and The Gaming Disorder Test (Pontes et al., 2019). MANOVA
was used to test the hypotheses and its results showed that there is a statistically significant
difference in the levels of subjective well-being in such a way that participants who do not play
video games had the highest level of subjective well-being and the lowest level was achieved by
problematic players. Problematic players were, on average, statistically significantly more
hyperactive, more impulsive, and had more attention problems compared to non-players and
gamers, and the least problems were shown by players who play video games moderately. There
was no statistically significant association between video game playing time and subjective wellbeing, hyperactivity, impulsivity and attention nor between different genres and impulsivity and
attention. The importance of conducting this research is evident in the fact that the main focus of
this research is studying the effects of video games on the population of gamers who play video
games moderately. In this way, the positive effects on subjective well-being, attention,
hyperactivity and impulsivity provided by video games can be discovered. The results of this
research provide a better insight into the field of video games and how they can contribute to the
quality of life. There is a possibility of implementing the results on the organization of preventive
measures and treatment through video in order to improve the subjective well-being, but also the
overall health picture of individuals.
subjektivna dobrobit
Keywords (english)
subjective well-being
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:771491
Study programme Title: Department of Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra psihologije (magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-10-12 06:29:12