Title Vojno-strateška analiza rata protiv Turaka od 1787. do 1791. u spjevu Bazilija (Blaža) Bošnjaka
Title (english) Military-Strategic Analysis of the War against Turks 1787-1791 in Bazilije (Blaž) Bošnjak's Poem
Author Frano Stojić
Mentor Marinko Šišak (mentor)
Mentor Zdravko Matić (komentor)
Committee member Davor Piskač (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Darko Vitek (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Viktoria Franić Tomić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dario Matika (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Stjepan Matković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-12-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Croatian Studies
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 94 - History of individual countries
Abstract Ovaj doktorski rad bavi se sedmim i posljednjim velikim ratom Habsburškog i Osmanskog Carstva (1787. – 1791.) te vojnim kapelanom Bazilijem (Blažom) Bošnjakom i njegovim spjevom koji tematizira taj rat. Sveobuhvatnim proučavanjem konteksta vremena, mjesta, ljudi, relevantnih dokumenata i hrvatskih književnih djela vezanih za ratove druge polovice 18. stoljeća osigurana je puno šira interdisciplinarna platforma za konkretniju i oživotvoreniju analizu rata. Ostvarena je interaktivna i
... More korespondirajuća veza između vojno-povijesnih i književno-povijesnih znanosti. Kapelan Bošnjak kao izravni sudionik turskoga rata ključna je figura u ovoj analizi. On je u maniri pučkog pjesnika napisao svojevrsnu stihovanu kroniku rata. Opjevani događaji iz njegove perspektive više služe dočaravanju ambijenta vremena, prostora i ljudi ali i vjerodostojnosti događaja. Upitno je samo zašto nigdje nije spomenuo najkritičnije događaje a sigurno ga nisu mimoišli. Pojava zarazne bolesti od koje je samo na habsburškoj strani umrlo tri puta više vojnika nego što je poginulo i bilo zarobljeno, bila mu je tabu tema, ili se možda o tomu nije smjelo pisati. Kritički je pjesnik pjevao o vojsci koja je dugo vremena pasivno stajala utaborena kod Zemuna. Međutim, ni riječi o zaraznoj bolesti koju svi autori navode kao jedan od ključnih razloga habsburškog neuspjeha, a od koje je i sam car Josip II. umro. Također je samo kratko spomenuo zbrku koja je nastala u Banatu nakon panike prouzročene prijateljskom vatrom. Očigledno je Bošnjak razmišljao o tomu što bi moglo biti podložno cenzuri a što ne. Car Josip II. u rat je ušao s puno opreza i kalkulacija uzdajući se u pretpostavku kako će glavni teret rata pasti na ruske saveznike. Koncentrirao je glavninu snaga na Beograd, ali umjesto zauzimanja grada on se posvetio utvrđivanju vlastitog tabora. Nije uporabio snage zato što je računao kako prije Rusi moraju svojim vojnim operacijama na sebe privući glavninu turske vojske. Tadašnja strategija ograničenog ratovanja koja se temeljila na dugotrajnim opsadama utvrđenja i osiguranju komunikacijskih smjerova bila je pogrješna. Turci su preuzeli inicijativu i upali u Banat prouzročivši paničnu habsburšku reakciju. Ofenzivna strategija je odjednom postala defenzivna jer je car s velikim djelom glavnine snaga morao spašavati Banat. Osim sve većeg broja oboljelih i umrlih od zarazne bolesti, osmanska protuofenziva dovela je do panike čak i u Budimpešti. Ipak, pritisnuti uspjesima na lijevom i desnom habsburškom krilu Turci su se povukli iz Banata. Konsolidacijom snaga nakon prve kampanje ratna situacija se popravila, međutim izostanak ranog osvajanja Beograda bio je uzrokom konačnom habsburškom neuspjehu. Less
Abstract (english) The dissertation deals with the seventh and last great war of the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires (1787–1791) and the military chaplain Basilius (Blaž) Bošnjak’s poem that thermalizes the same war. By comprehensively studying the context of time, place, people, relevant documents and Croatian literary works related to the wars of the second half of the 18th century, a much broader interdisciplinary platform was provided for a more concrete and revived analysis of the war. An
... More interactive and correspondent connection between military-historical and literary-historical sciences has been apprehended. Chaplain Bošnjak as a direct participant in the Turkish war is a key figure in this analysis. In the manner of the folk poet, he wrote a kind of verse chronicle of war. Sung events from his perspective serve more to conjure up the ambience of time, space and people than to establish the credibility of the event, because its credibility is unquestionable. It's only questionable why he didn't mention the most critical events anywhere and they certainly didn't miss him. The emergence of an infectious disease that have killed three times more soldiers on the Habsburg side than in the battle or being captured was a taboo subject, or perhaps it should not have been written about. The poet sang critically about an army that had been passively camped at Zemun for a long time. However, not a word about the infectious disease that all the authors cite as one of the key reasons for the Habsburg failure, of which Emperor Joseph II himself died. He also mentioned only briefly the confusion that arose in Banat after the panic caused by friendly fire. Apparently, Bošnjak was thinking about what might be subject to censorship and what might not be. Emperor Joseph II entered the war with a lot of caution and calculations, relying on the assumption that the main burden of war would fall on Russian allies. He concentrated most of his forces on Belgrade but instead of occupying the city he dedicated himself to setting up his own camp nearby. He did not use the force because he calculated that firstly the Russians had to attract the bulk of the Turkish army with their military operations. The then-strategy of limited warfare, which was based on protracted sieges of fortifications and the provision of communication routes, was wrong. The Turks took the initiative and stormed into Banat, causing a panicked Habsburg reaction. The offensive strategy suddenly became defensive because the emperor with much of the bulk of the forces had to save Banat. In addition to the increasing number of sufferers and deaths from infectious diseases, the Ottoman counteroffensive has led to panic even in Budapest. However, pressed by successes
on the left and right Habsburg wings, the Turks withdrew from Banat. With the consolidation of forces after the first campaign, the war situation improved, but the absence of an early conquest of Belgrade was the cause of the eventual Habsburg failure. Less
habsburško-osmanski rat
rusko-osmanski rat
vojna strategija
vojni kapelan
ratnička književnost
Keywords (english)
Habsburg-Ottoman War
Russian-Ottoman War
Military Strategy
Military Chaplain
Warrior Literature
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:749769
Promotion 2023
Study programme Title: Obtaining a doctorate of science outside of doctoral studies Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-04-04 08:19:03