Abstract | Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je spoznati pozitivna i negativna (rizike, prepreke, poteškoće)
iskustva doseljenika islamske vjeroispovijesti u Republici Hrvatskoj. U prvom redu ovdje je riječ
o njihovom radnom iskustvu i pronalasku posla, te stupnju integracije u hrvatsko društvo i tržište
rada. U provedbi istraživanja koristila se kvalitativna metodologija, točnije metoda dubinskog
intervjua na uzorku osam sudionika (doseljenika islamske vjeroispovijesti). Važnosti nam je bilo
uklopiti u uzorak i one koji žive u Republici Hrvatskoj veći broj godina, jer takvi sudionici imaju
mogućnost davanja uvida u dinamiku pronalaska posla i rada kroz duži vremensko period, te
ukazati na promjene koje su stupile na snagu u međuvremenu. Također, iskustva doseljenika su
pokazala da je Republika Hrvatska postala mnogo otvorenija prema stranim radnicima i
međunarodnom tržištu rada u usporedbi s vremenom prije koronavirusa, te prije i na početku
stupanja u Europsku Uniju. S obzirom da je riječ o doseljenicima islamske vjeroispovijesti koje
posjeduju sasvim drugačiju kulturu, zakone, jezik, obrazovanje i religiju, analizirala su se i
zasebnost iskustva žena migrantica, stupanj religioznosti i prakticiranja vjere sudionika, te
mogućnost ili nemogućnost rada u struci. Sudionike istraživanja, kada je riječ o životnom
standardu i tržištu rada u Republici Hrvatskoj, trenutno najviše muče jednaki problemi koji muče
hrvatsko domicilno stanovništvo, a to je opadajući životni standard, dok su iskustva diskriminacije
rijetka. Nadalje, većina sudionika je visoko obrazovana, a iako nije oduvijek bilo tako, danas radi
u IT industriji ili obavlja neki uredski posao, većinski na engleskom jeziku. Unatoč svim
proživljenim i opisanim poteškoćama, doseljenici islamske vjeroispovijesti su u ovom istraživanju
izrazili i svoju želju za ostankom u Republici Hrvatskoj, u nadi da će se ekonomska situacija
unaprijediti, a životni standard poboljšati. |
Abstract (english) | The goal of this research was to discover the positive and negative (risks, obstacles, and
difficulties) experiences of immigrants of the Islamic faith when it comes to work experiences and
finding a job in the Republic of Croatia, and to analyze their integration into Croatian society and
labor market. For the purpose of this research and thesis, a qualitative methodology was used, and
the required findings were obtained by applying the in-depth interview method to 8 participants.
Also, it was important to include in the sample those who have lived in the Republic of Croatia for
a number of years, because such participants have the capacity of providing insight into the
development of possibilities and opportunities of finding a job and working in the Republic of
Croatia over a longer period of time, as well as the capacity of pointing out the changes that were
enforced in the meantime. These changes are not only related to learning the Croatian language
over the years and adapting to the society in which they live, but also to the expansion of the labor
market into the international labor market, where English is considered the most desirable as a
universal international language. Also, the experiences of immigrants have shown that the
Republic of Croatia has become much more open to foreign workers and the international labor
market compared to the time before the coronavirus, as well as before and at the beginning of
joining the European Union. Given the topic concerns immigrants of the Islamic faith from thirdworld countries who have a completely different culture, laws, language, education, and religion;
the experiences of Islamic women-migrants, the relationship of the participants with their faith (in
connection with practicing and influences of work), and the possibility or impossibility of working
in the profession of participants were analyzed. When it comes to the standard of living and the
labor market in the Republic of Croatia, the participants currently have most of the same problems
that concern the Croatian domiciled population, which is a declining standard of living, while
experiences of discrimination are rare. Furthermore, most of the participants are highly educated
and, although it hasn't always been the case, they work in the IT industry or perform office work,
mostly in English. Despite all the difficulties experienced and described, the Islamic imigrants
expressed in this research their desire to stay in the Republic of Croatia in hope that the economic
situation will improve and the standard of living take a turn for the better. |