Abstract | Life coaching predstavlja holistički pristup cocahinga u kojemu klijent procjenjuje i ispituje vlastiti život, a zatim sustavno uz pomoć coacha provodi promjene koje mu poboljšavaju život. Kako je pružanje usluga life coachinga u porastu, cilj je ovog rada istražiti njegov doprinos u održavanju mentalnog zdravlja i ispitati razlike stavova te intenziteta i vremena praćenja life coachinga na društvenim mrežama između ispitanika koje primaju usluge life coachinga te onih koji ne primaju. Istraživanje je provedeno na 295 ispitanika, od kojih je 52 korisnika usluga life coachinga, koji su prikupljani pomoću online ankete. Asimptomatskih osoba koje nisu koristile usluge life coachinga u ovome je istraživanju 49,3%, sa subkliničkim simptomima 25,4%, simptomatskih 15,4% te iznimno simptomatskih 10%, dok je na uzorku korisnika usluga life coachinga, asimptomatskih ispitanika 59,6%, sa subkliničkim simptoma 19,2%, simptomatskih je 9,6% te iznimno simptomatičnih 11,5 %. Pritom između osoba koje su koristile usluge life coacheva i onih koji nisu nema statistički značajne razlike s obzirom na rezultat na Upitniku općeg zdravlja (GHQ-12), ali korelacije pokazuju kako ispitanici koji su duže koristili usluge life coachinga, imaju manje poteškoća s mentalnim zdravljem. Što se tiče stavova prema life coachingu, korisnici usluga statistički značajno duže i intenzivnije prate life coacheve na društvenim mrežama te više smatraju kako im savjeti dobiveni tim putem pomažu. Također, informacije dobivene od strane life coacheva uzimaju s manjom dozom opreza, imaju snažnije uvjerenje kako su life coachevi bolje upućeni u mentalno zdravlje od psihologa, psihoterapeuta i psihijatara te bi svojim bližnjima kojima je potrebna stručna pomoć češće preporučili life coacheve. Nadalje, uvjereniji su kako life coachevi trebaju naplaćivati svoje usluge te da savjeti dobiveni od objava na društvenim mrežama life coacheva mogu biti zamjena za psihološku pomoć. Međutim, navedene se grupe statistički značajno ne razlikuju s obzirom na stav prema tvrdnji da svatko može prepoznati je li mu potreban life coaching ili psihoterapija na koju je većina ispitanika odgovorila kako se uglavnom ne slažu s navedenom tvrdnjom (41,9%). |
Abstract (english) | Life coaching represents a holistic approach to coaching in which the client evaluates and examines his own life, and then systematically implements changes that improve his life with the help of a coach. As the provision of life coaching services is increasing, the aim of this master's thesisis is to examine the contribution of life coaching in maintaining mental health and to examine the differences in attitudes, the intensity and time of following life coaching on social networks between respondents who receive life coaching services and those who do not. Data was collected through an online questionnaire filled out by 295 respondents, of whom 52 are users of their services. In this study, 49.3% of asymptomatic persons who did not use life coaching services, 25.4% with subclinical symptoms, 15.4% symptomatic and 10% extremely symptomatic, while in the sample of users of life coaching services, there were 59.6% asymptomatic respondents, subclinical symptoms are present in 19.2% of service users, 9.6% are symptomatic, and 11.5% are extremely symptomatic. At the same time, there is no statistically significant difference between people who used services of the life coaches and those who did not with regard to the result on the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). However, the correlations show that respondents who have used life coaching services for a longer period of time have fewer difficulties with mental health. As for the attitudes towards life coaching, statistically significant differences between people who used the services of life coaches and those who did not were obtained on several items. In particular, service users follow life coaches on social networks for longer and more intensively, and they believe that the advice received through this means is more helpful. Also, they take it with less caution, they believe that life coaches are better versed in mental health than psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists, and they are more likely to recommend life coaches to their loved ones who need professional help. Futhermore, they are more convinced that life coaches should charge for their services and that advice obtained from posts on social networks of life coaches can be a substitute for psychological help. However, the aforementioned groups do not differ statistically significantly with regard to the attitude towards the statement that everyone can recognize whether they need life coaching or psychotherapy, to which the majority of respondents answered that they mostly disagree with the statement (41.9%). |