Abstract | S porastom broja osoba s poremećajem prehrane raste i potreba za istraživanjem te pojave. Cilj
istraživanja je bio ispitati odnos perfekcionizma, privrženosti, depresije, anksioznosti i stresa
u objašnjenja poremećaja prehrane kod žena. U istraživanje su uključene punoljetne žene sa i
bez dijagnoze poremećaja prehrane (N=60). Korišteni mjerni instrumenti su: Burnsova skala
perfekcionizma, Skala privrženosti kao stanja, Skala depresivnosti, anskiozonosti i stresa
(DASS) te Upitnik navika hranjenja (EAT-26). Istraživanje je provedeno u papir-olovka formi,
te je način uzorkovanja kombinacija prigodnog uzorkovanja i tehnike snježne grude. Dobivene
su značajne statističke razlike u sigurnoj i izbjegavajuće privrženosti, depresiji, anksioznosti,
stresu i navikama hranjenja između sudionica sa i bez dijagnoze poremećaja prehrane. Istražene
su i korelacije među uključenim varijablama kod sudionica s dijagnozom, dobivene su značajne
pozitivne korelacije perfekcionizma s anksioznom privrženosti, depresijom,
anksioznosti, stresom i navikama hranjenja, tj. simptomima poremećaja hranjenja. Nadalje
dobivena je značajna negativna povezanost sigurne privrženosti sa svim preostalim
varijablama, osim s anksioznom privrženosti, s kojom je dobivena pozitivna korelacija.
Izbjegavajuća privrženost, depresivnost, anksioznost, stres i navike hranjenja su varijable, koje
su sve međusobno statistički značajno pozitivno povezane. |
Abstract (english) | With the increase in the number of people with eating disorders, the need for researching this
phenomenon also grows. The aim of this research is to examine the relationship between
perfectionism, attachment, depression, anxiety, and stress in explaining eating disorders in
women. The study includes adult women with and without a diagnosis of eating disorders
(N=60). The measurement instruments used are: Burns Perfectionism Scale, State-Trait
Attachment Scale, Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS), and the Eating Attitudes Test
(EAT-26). The research was conducted using a paper-and-pencil format, with a sampling
method that combines convenience sampling and the snowball technique. Significant statistical
differences were found in secure and avoidant attachment, depression, anxiety, stress, and
eating habits between participants with and without a diagnosis of eating disorders. The
correlations among the included variables were also investigated in participants with a
diagnosis, and significant positive correlations were found between perfectionism and anxious
attachment, depression, anxiety, stress, and eating habits, i.e., eating disorder symptoms.
Furthermore, a significant negative association was found between secure attachment and rest
of the variables, except for anxious attachment, with which a positive correlation was obtained.
Avoidant attachment, depression, anxiety, stress, and eating habits are variables that are all
statistically significantly positively correlated with each other.
Key words: eating disorders, perfectionism, attachment, depression, anxiety, stress |