Title Odnos samo-suosjećanja, srama, stavova prema mentalnom zdravlju, stavova prema traženju stručne pomoći i iskustva traženja pomoći
Title (english) Relationship between self-compassion, shame, attitudes toward mental illness, attitudes toward help-seeking and help-seeking experience
Author Klara Juranović
Mentor Zrinka Greblo Jurakić (mentor)
Committee member Vanja Kopilaš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Lea Andreis (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zrinka Greblo Jurakić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Psychology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Osobe koje se suočavaju s problemima mentalnog zdravlja često ne potraže stručnu pomoć (Aromaa i sur., 2011; Bidlle i sur., 2004). Jedna od najvećih prepreka traženju pomoći je sram (Ivanov, 2022). S druge strane, samo-suosjećanje se pokazuje kao facilitirajući faktor u traženju pomoći (Campbell i sur., 2022). Cilj provedenog istraživanja bio je ispitati na koji su način stavovi prema traženju stručne pomoći povezani sa samo-suosjećanjem, osjećajem srama, stavovima zajednice prema osobama s poteškoćama mentalnog zdravlja te iskustvom traženja pomoći. Također, ispitane su međusobne povezanosti između navedenih varijabli te razlike u stupnju izraženosti osjećaja srama, samo-suosjećanja, stavova zajednice prema osobama s poteškoćama mentalnog zdravlja i stavova prema traženju stručne pomoći kod osoba koje su tražile pomoć zbog problema s mentalnim zdravljem i onih koji nemaju takvo iskustvo. Istraživanje je provedeno online putem, a upitnike je ispunilo 177 studenata od kojih su većina bile žene (87,6%). Prosječna dob sudionika bila je M=22,15 godina (SD=2,30). Korišteni su sljedeći mjerni instrumenti: Ljestvica samo-suosjećanja (eng. Self- Compassion Scale- SCS, Neff, 2003; Klišmanić- Mrak, 2014), Upitnik o stavovima prema problemima s mentalnim zdravljem (eng. Attitudes Toward Mental Health Problems- ATMHP, Gilbert i sur., 2007), Upitnik stavova o traženju stručne pomoći (eng. Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help-Short Form- ATSPPH-SF; Fischer i Farina, 1995; Bojanić i sur., 2016), Skala stavova zajednice prema osobama s poteškoćama mentalnog zdravlja (eng. Community Attitudes to Mental Illness- CAMI, Taylor i Dear, 1981; Petak i sur., 2020) i pitanja o iskustvu traženja pomoći zbog problema s mentalnim zdravljem. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da sudionici koji imaju negativnije stavove o osobama s problemima mentalnog zdravlja imaju više razine srama vezanog uz mentalno zdravlje i negativnije stavove prema traženju stručne pomoći; sudionici koji imaju veće samo-suosjećanje imaju pozitivnije stavove prema traženju stručne pomoći; sudionici koji imaju višu razinu srama imaju negativnije stavove prema traženju stručne pomoći; a sudionici koji imaju iskustva s traženjem psihološke pomoći imaju pozitivnije stavove prema traženju stručne pomoći. Također, veće samo-suosjećanje, pozitivniji stavovi prema osobama s problemima s mentalnim zdravljem i više vlastitog iskustva traženja pomoći značajni su prediktori stavova prema traženju stručne pomoći. Naposljetku, utvrđeno je da oni koji su tražili pomoć imaju pozitivnije stavove prema mentalnom zdravlju i prema traženju pomoći od onih koji su naveli da nisu tražili pomoć i manje razine samo-suosjećanja. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja govore o važnosti samo-suosjećanja kao pozitivnog faktora u odnosu s mentalnim zdravljem te potvrđuju potrebu za razvojem samo-suosjećanja kod osoba koje traže pomoć radi problema s mentalnim zdravljem. Također dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na važnost psihoedukacije javnosti o temama mentalnog zdravlja što bi moglo dovesti do pozitivnijih stavova prema osobama s poteškoćama mentalnog zdravlja kao i samom traženju pomoći.
Abstract (english) People who face mental health problems often don't seek professional help (Aromaa i sur., 2011). One of the biggest obstacles to seeking help is shame (Ivanov, 2022). On the other hand, self- compassion has shown to be facilitating factor when it comes to seekinghelp (Campbell i sur., 2022). The goal of this research was to examine the way attitudes toward help-seeking are connected with self-compassion, shame, community attitudes toward people with mental health problems and experience with help-seeking. Also, correlations between these variables were investigated as well as the differences in shame, self-compassion, community attitudes toward people with mental health problems and help-seeking attitudes between those who seek help and those who don’t. The research was conducted online and it consisted of 177 participants who were students and most of whom were women (87,6%). The average age of participants was M=22,15 (SD=2,30). The following instruments were used: Self Compassion Scale (Self- Compassion Scale- SCS, Neff, 2003; Klišmanić- Mrak, 2014), Attitudes Toward Mental Health Problems (Attitudes Toward Mental Health Problems- ATMHP, Gilbert et al., 2007), Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help- Short Form Scale (Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help-Short Form- ATSPPH-SF; Fischer and Farina, 1995; Bojanić et al. 2016), Community Attitudes to Mental Illness (Community Attitudes to Mental Illness- CAMI, Taylor and Dear, 1981; Petak et al. 2020) and questions about experience with help-seeking due to mental health issues. Results suggest that those with more negative attitudes toward mental illness have higher levels of shame related to mental health as well as more negative attitudes toward help-seeking; those with higher levels of self- compassion have more positive attitudes toward help-seeking; those with higher levels of shame have more negative levels of help-seeking attitudes and those with more experience with seeking help have more positive attitudes toward help- seeking. Bigger self- compassion, more positive attitudes toward people with mental health problems as well as more experience with help seeking predict more positive attitudes toward seeking professional help. Finally, there was significant difference between those who sought help because of mental health problems and those who didn’t in more positive attitudes toward mental illness and toward help-seeking as well as lower levels of self- compassion. Results talk about the importance of self-compassion as a positive factor in relation to mental health. They confirm the need for self-compassion development in people who seek help due to mental health issues. The results also indicate the importance of education of the public about mental health which could potentially lead to more positive attitudes toward people with mental health issues as well as the act of help seeking.
osjećaj srama
stavovi zajednice prema osobama s problemima s mentalnim zdravljem
stavovi prema traženju stručne pomoći
iskustvo traženja pomoći
Keywords (english)
attitudes toward mental illness
attitudes toward help-seeking
experience of help-seeking
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:140583
Study programme Title: Psychology (Single Major, Science Stream) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra psihologije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-09-19 11:29:52