Abstract (croatian) | Propovijed kao prozni žanr, za razliku od tipološki istih djela svjetovnoga sadržaja, u hrvatskoj znanosti o književnosti još uvijek, iako su se učinili pomaci u tom smjeru, nije privukla sličan
broj istraživača. Među tim neistraženim ili u najboljem slučaju nedovoljno istraženim proznim djelima, ponajprije, nabožno-poučnoga karaktera, svoje mjesto imaju i propovijedi Đure Rapića,
franjevačkoga pisca 18. stoljeća. Potaknuta time autorica u ovom radu pozornost posvećuje jednoj Rapićevoj propovijedi, onoj na Sv. Anu iz njegove knjige Odsvakoga po mallo (Pešta, 1764.). Ta se Rapićeva propovijed iščitava u suodnosu s propovijedi na istu svetkovinu koju je u svojoj knjizi Predigten, auf die Festtäge der heiligen (Konstanz, 1782.) donio Hahn Modest, njemački franjevac 18. stoljeća |
Abstract (english) | Unlike typologically equivalent works of secular content, sermon as a prose genre has not yet attracted a similar number of researchers, though steps have been made in that direction in Croatian literary scholarship. Among these unexplored, or at best, insufficiently explored prose works, first of all, of pious-instructive orientation, one may find the sermons by Đuro Rapić, the 18th century Franciscan writer. Encouraged by that, the author of this work, dedicates her attention to one of Rapić’s sermons, the one given on st. Ana’s day
taken from his book Odsvakoga po mallo (Pešta, 1764). This sermon by Rapić is read in relation to a sermon by Hahn Modest, a German Franciscan from the 18th century, which was given as well on st. Ana’s day and is found in his book Predigten, auf die Festtäge
der heiligen (Konstanz, 1782). The emphasis is put on the structure, parts of the text and the procedures with which the preachers establish and better the communication with the recipients, everyday life, fear and in relation to all that, the purpose Croatian and German
Franciscans wanted their sermons to have. |