Title Odnos društvene revolucije i evolucije na primjeru Francuske revolucije
Title (english) Relation of social revolution and evolution exampled by the French revolution
Author Tin Novosel
Mentor Miroslav Bertoša (mentor)
Committee member Mijo Korade (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Anić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Miroslav Bertoša (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of History) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-02-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History
Abstract Početna teza ovog diplomskog rada je ta da su društvena evolucija i revolucija temeljni modeli kretanja društva u sklopu Francuske revolucije. U skladu s time, u uvodu se postavljaju okviri njihovog općenitog odnosa i načina na koji ih je potrebno istraživati. Francuska revolucija potom je predstavljena kao niz segmentiranih faza društvenih mikro evolucija i revolucija koje zajedno formiraju šire promjene koje ona kao cjelina predstavlja. Razvoj i promjene filozofskih misli koje su joj prethodile, neodrživost ekonomskih odrednica društva u vrijeme teške krize istog, te šire društvene i političke borbe novonastalih, do tada marginaliziranih ili nepostojećih, i vladajućih struktura društva, zajedno označavaju važnost akumulacije revolucionarnih čimbenika pri postavljanju nove evolucije društva. U borbi za vladajući diskurs u društvu Francuske revolucije, također se predstavlja važnost koju stari društveni sustav, preko djelovanja kontrarevolucije, u njemu ima, te način na koji se odnosi prema novonastalim, pretendirajućim sustavima. S obzirom na to da promjene u društvu u najvećoj mjeri dolaze upravo od strane čovjeka, ovaj diplomski rad također donosi pregled dva modela, odnosno medija, njegovog djelovanja u kontekstu društvene evolucije i revolucije. To se čini preko objašnjenja funkcija koje u takvim okolnostima imaju šire mase i pojedinci društva. Preko perioda Ustavotvorne skupštine nakon pada aristokratskog uređenja društva i Revolucionarne vlade koja je predstavljala teror jednoumlja, predstavljene su dvije društveno - političke faze Francuske revolucije kako bi se dobilo saznanje o ulozi i važnosti kompromisnih i beskompromisnih revolucionarnih djelovanja. Istovremeno donoseći, u razradi široko povezanu kronološku i tematsku platformu tijeka i prirode tadašnjih razvoja i promjena, u zaključku se ističe neodvojivost i međusobni utjecaj raznih faza i struktura društvenih promjena. Francuska revolucija je zapravo, kao primjer odnosa društvene evolucije i revolucije, primjer iz kojeg se mogu izvući šira saznanja o načinu odvijanja ljudske povijesti općenito.
Abstract (english) The main starting point of this master's thesis is that societal evolution and revolution are two basic models of societal movement in the French Revolution. Accordingly, in the introduction of the thesis itself, a framework for their general relationship is given and the way they should be investigated explained. The French Revolution was then presented as a series of segmented phases of societal micro - evolutions and revolutions which together form a wider change that it as a whole represents. The progression and changes of philosophical thoughts that preceded it, the unsustainability of economic determinants of society in a time of severe crisis in which it found itself, and the wider social and political struggles of newly established, previously marginalized or non - existent, and ruling societal structures, together indicate the importance of accumulation of revolutionary factors in setting a new societal evolution. In the battle for the dominant discourse in the society of the French Revolution, the importance that the old societal system has in it, through the actions of the counter - revolution, is shown, as well as how it conducts itself in regards to the new, pretending systems. Due to the argument that changes in society largely come by man - made actions, this thesis also provides an overview of the two models, and the media, representing those actions in the context of societal evolution and revolution. This is done through the explanations of functions which, in such circumstances, broader masses and individuals in society have. Over the period of the Constituent Assembly after the fall of the aristocratic organization of society and the Revolutionary Government which conducted policy as a terror of one mindset, are presented two societal and political phases of the French Revolution in order to obtain knowledge about the role and importance of compromising and uncompromising revolutionary action. At the same time bringing, in developing part of the thesis, a widely linked chronological and thematic platform of the course and nature of the then developments and changes, the conclusion of this thesis highlights the inseparability and the influences between various stages and structures of societal change. The French Revolution is in fact, as an example of the relationship between societal evolution and revolution, an example from which wider knowledge about the conduct of human history in general can be drawn.
Društvena evolucija
društvena revolucija
Francuska revolucija
Keywords (english)
Societal evolution
societal revolution
French Revolution
determinative factor
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:002743
Study programme Title: Department of History; specializations in: scientific, teaching Course: teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti (magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-10-20 11:08:20