Title Odnosi s javnošću u kulturi: primjer Dubrovačkih ljetnih igara 2017.
Title (english) Public relatiions in culture: the example of Dubrovnik Summer Festival 2017
Author Dora Lanča
Mentor Jelena Jurišić (mentor)
Mentor Matilda Kolić Stanić (mentor)
Committee member Blanka Jergović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Duje Bonacci (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Jurišić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Communication Sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-09-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Communicology
Abstract Odnosi s javnošću, kao profesija čiji je cilj uspostaviti komunikacijsku vezu između organizacije ili pojedinca i njihovih javnosti, u svom djelovanju koriste mnoge taktike. Taktika ima mnogo i njihov pravilan odabir ovisi o tome koje je područje primjene odnosa s javnošću kao i o tome kakva se poruka šalje. No, to nisu jedini elementi na koje treba paziti prilikom odabira načina kojim se uspostavlja komunikacija. Ono što treba imati na umu jesu i promjene u tehnologiji i nova otkrića. Upravo je pojava interneta uzrokovala promjenu u radu stručnjaka za odnose s javnošću te su morali tradicionalne taktike modernizirati i prilagoditi novim tehnologijama. Ta se promjena odrazila i na kulturne institucije koje koriste nove platforme pomoću kojih na atraktivan način mogu vizualno predstaviti svoj program i poruke. Ovaj rad želi odgovoriti na sljedeće pitanje: na koji način stručnjaci za odnose s javnošću u kulturnom sektoru koriste tradicionalne taktike u novom internetskom okruženju. Za istraživanje je odabran najpoznatiji hrvatski kulturni festival Dubrovačke ljetne igre. Istraživala se službena mrežna stranica festivala te svi profili na društvenim mrežama u razdoblju od 10. do 23. srpnja 2017. Cilj rada je bio uvidjeti odražavaju li taktike na mrežnoj stranici i društvenim mrežama misiju, viziju i program Igara, potiče li se njima dvosmjerna komunikacija te jesu li taktike prilagođene međunarodnom karakteru festivala odnosno objavljuju li se taktike i na engleskom jeziku. Istraživanje je pokazalo da su svi događaji iz programa zastupljeni u taktikama na službenim mrežnim stranicama, dok se ne može isto reći i za društvene mreže Igara. Pokazalo se da taktike na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku nisu podjednako zastupljene na službenim mrežnim stranicama te da jednakog omjera nema ni u objavama niti u reakcijama korisnika na društvenim mrežama. Pokazalo se da tradicionalne taktike uglavnom nisu prilagođene novim medijima i tehnologijama. Istraživanje je pokazalo da profili na društvenim mrežama Igara, osim Facebooka, ne sadrže pohvale, kritike, prijedloge i upite te je odbačeno i odgovaranje profila na reakcije korisnika. Ključne riječi: odnosi s javnošću, kultura, mrežne stranice, društvene mreže, Dubrovačke ljetne igre, festival, komunikacija
Abstract (english) Public relations, as a profession that for a goal has establishing communication between an organization or individual and their publics, use in their activity many tactics. There are many tactics and their right use depends on the sector of public relations as well as the message that is being sent. However, these are not the only elements that need to be kept in mind while one is deciding on the right set of tools for establishing a communication. Things that one needs to bear in mind are changes in technology and new inventions. Trends are always changing and it is desirable to keep up with them. The internet caused the change in the work of public relations’ experts and they needed to modernize traditional tactics, that they have used, as well as adapt them to new technologies. This change has especially contributed to public relations in culture because now the cultural institutions have the best platform for presenting their program and messages in attractive and visual way. Because of all the above, this thesis is about the question of how public relations’ experts in culture use traditional tactics in a new internet environment. Dubrovnik Summer Festival, the well known Croatian cultural festival, was chosen for the research. The official web-site and all the profiles on the social networks were researched in the period of 10th till 23rd July 2017. The research objective was to distinguish if tactics on the web-site and social networks mirror the mission, vision and program of the Festival, to see if the two-way communication is encouraged and if there can be find publishing in English. The research showed that all the events form the program have been represented on the web-sites, but the same cannot be said for the Festival’s social networks. It has been shown that the tactics in Croatian and in English are not represented equally on the web-sites and that equality does not exist in posts nor the reactions of users on social networks. It has been shown that traditional tactics have not mainly been adjusted to the new media and technologies. The research shows that the profiles on the Festival’s social networks, apart from Facebook, do not contain praises, criticism, suggestions and inquiries and that the responsiveness of the Festival’s profile on users’ reactions has been disproved.
odnosi s javnošću
mrežne stranice
društvene mreže
Dubrovačke ljetne igre
Keywords (english)
public relations
social networks
Dubrovnik Summer Festival
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:940927
Study programme Title: Department of Communication Studies Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra komunikologije (magistar/magistra komunikologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-09-26 06:51:30