Title Borba za neovisnost Katalonije i mediji
Title (english) Catalan Idependence movement and Media
Author Martina Puž
Mentor Anita Perešin (mentor)
Committee member Jelena Jurišić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nenad Pokos (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Perešin (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Communication Sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Communicology
Abstract Ostvarivanje prava etničkih manjina i njihova zaštita važna je za zdrave i inkluzivne odnose zajednice i države u kojoj manjine djeluju, tim više jer manjine mogu pridonijeti suradnji država na raznim područjima kulture i obrazovanja, ukoliko država na čijem se teritoriju manjine nalaze potiče taj doprinos, uz istovremeno uvažavanje interesa samih pripadnika manjina. Borba za neovisnost Katalonije traje stoljećima, zbog čega etnički sukob svoje temelje čvrsto veže uz postojanje katalonskog identiteta koji je izgrađen na četiri osnovna stupa – nacionalizmu, jeziku, ekonomiji i pravu. Gospodarska kriza iz 2008. godine teško je pogodila Španjolsku i do tada marginalna podrška separatističkim idejama prerasta u nezaustavljiv politički i civilni pokret koji i danas obilježava politički život Katalonije. Mediji imaju važnu ulogu u informiranju društva i stvaranja javnog mijenja. Iako bi trebali biti svojevrstan korektiv državne vlasti, pod pritiskom tržišta, novih uvjeta poslovanja medija, te novih trendova, mediji često zanemaruju svoju prvotnu funkciju, a to je objektivno, kritičko i nepristrano izvještavanje i iznošenje relevantnih činjenica. Zato mediji, kada se otvoreno politički opredjeljuju, mogu doprinijeti zaoštravanju etničkih sukoba. Kada je u pitanju politički aktivizam, društveni mediji, zbog milijuna ljudi koji se njima služe, pomažu pri mobiliziranju civilnog društva. Zbog implikacija koje etnički sukobi mogu proizvesti i sve važnije uloge medija u takvim sukobima, cilj je ovog rada dati pregled relevantnijih znanstvenih radova koji su se bavili temom katalonske borbe za neovisnost i ulogom medija u tom sukobu. Dodatni je cilj bio pokazati kakve su implikacije korištenja društvenih medija za podizanje razine političke participacije građana te ukazati na posljedice pristranog izvješćivanja medija o etničkom sukobu.
Abstract (english) The exercise of the ethnic minorities rights and their protection is important for a healthy and inclusive relationship between the minorities and the state in which the minorities are settled, especially since minorities can contribute to the cooperation of states in different fields of culture and education, if the state in whose territory the minorities are located encourages that contribution while upholding the respect for the interests of minorities. Catalan independence movement lasts for centuries, which is why the ethnic conflict is firmly linked to the existence of a Catalan identity built on four pillars – nationalism, language, economy and law. The 2008 economic crisis hit Spain hard and by then marginal support for separatist ideas had grown into an unstoppable political and civilian movement that still characterizes Catalonia's political life. The media play an important role in informing society and creating public opinion. Although they should be a sort of government corrective, under market pressure, new media conditions, and new trends, the media often neglects its original function, which is objective, critical and impartial reporting and presentation of relevant facts. That is why, when openly politically committed, the media can contribute to exacerbating ethnic conflicts. When it comes to political activism, social media, because of the millions of people who use them, help mobilize civil society. Due to the implications that ethnic conflicts can produce and the increasingly important role of the media in such conflicts, the aim of this paper is to provide an overview of relevant scientific papers on subject of the Catalan independence movement and the role of the media in that conflict. An additional objective was to show the implications of using social media to raise the level of political participation of citizens, and to highlight the consequences of biased media coverage of ethnic conflict.
etničke manjine
etnički sukob
društveni mediji
pristranost medij
Keywords (english)
ethnic minorities
ethnic conflict
social media
media bias
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:563321
Study programme Title: Department of Communication Studies Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra komunikologije (magistar/magistra komunikologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-01-14 12:09:12