Title Lik Dioklecijana u djelu Josipa Čobarnića "Dioclias"
Title (english) The chatacter of Dioclecian in Čobarnić's work Dioclias
Author Ivona Canjuga
Mentor Maja Matasović (mentor)
Committee member Tamara Tvrtković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zdravka Martinić-Jerčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Matasović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Croatian Latinity) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract Ovim diplomskim radom prikazat će se opis lika Dioklecijana u povijesnom epu Josipa Čobarnića, kako bi se ukazalo na razlike ili sliĉnosti Dioklecijana kao povijesne osobe, te kao lika u epu. Čobarnićevo najvažnije djelo je povijesni ep koji se zove „Dioklijada“. Glavne teme u „Dioklijadi“ su Dioklecijanov život, pogotovo njegov život poslije abdiciranja s prijestolja Rimskog Carstva, druga tema je progon i ubojstva kršćana za vrijeme Dioklecijanova života, te Dioklecijanova ludost i smrt. „Dioklijada“ se sastoji od tri knjige s predgovorom prije njih.Čobarnić je svoje djelo napisao prema dva izvora, a to su: Laktancije i Daniele Farlati, o kojima govori u svom predgovoru. Glavni lik u „Dioklijadi“ je Dioklecijan (245. – 316.), koji je naslijedio cara Numerijana. U radu će se donijeti prikaz Dioklecijana kroz sve tri knjige u epu, te usporedba „Dioklijade“ s antiĉkim epovima, pa se može vidjeti kako postoje određene razlike i sličnosti. U prvoj knjizi Čobarnić najavljuje dvije teme, a to su: opis Dioklecijanova prestanka vladanja i odlazak u Salonu, te pobjeda kršćana u sukobu dobra i zla. U drugoj knjizi Čobarnić priča o arhitekturi Salone i izgledu Dioklecijanove palače i za tu priču koristi dva lika, a to su: Anastazije i salonitanski biskup Petar. Svrha je drugog pjevanja pokazati Dioklecijana u boljem izdanju. U trećoj knjizi Čobarnić se vraća na progone kršćana, te u njoj najviše priča o karakteru Dioklecijana. U toj knjizi spominje pobjedu kršćanstva nad poganskom religijom, te pobjedu Konstantina, koji za razliku od Dioklecijana nije progonio kršćane. Dioklecijanu se javljaju razliĉite vizije u kojima vidi muĉenja i progonstva njemu bliskih osoba. Na kraju Dioklecijan od muka umire u svojoj sobi u palaĉi. Ovim epom prikazuje se opis Dioklecijana kao ratnika, cara, pa zatim i starca i luđaka, te ga se, iako je negativan lik, za razliku od antičkih epova, stavlja u poziciju glavnog lika.
Abstract (english) This master thesis will describe the figure of Diocletian in the historical epic of Josephus Ciobarnich, with the purpose of showing the differences or similarities of Diocletianus as a historical person and as a character in the epic. Ciobarnich's most important and greatest work is the historical epic called Dioclias. The main topic in Dioclias is Diocletian's life, especially his life after he stopped being the ruler of the Roman Empire, but also the persecution of Christians during Diocletian's life and Diocletian's insanity and death. Dioclias consists of three books with a foreword before them and annotations to each one. Ciobarnich wrote his work following the two sources, namely: Lactantius and Daniele Farlati, who are mentioned in his foreword. The main character in Dioclias is Diocletian (245 – 316) who succeeded the emperor Numerian. This paper also provides an overview of Diocletian through all three books in the epic and a comparison of Dioclias with classical epics, so that there can be seen certain differences and similarities. In the first book, Ciobarnich announces two themes. First is a description of the ending of Diocletian's rule and retirement in Split and the second is defeating Christians in the struggle. In the second book, Ciobarnich talks about the architecture of Split and the appearance of Diocletian's palace. He uses two figures for that story: Anastiades and Bishop of Salona, Petrus. The purpose of the second book is to show Diocletian in a brighter light. In the third book, Ciobarnich returns to the persecution of Christians and in it he talks the most about Diocletian. This book mentions the victory of Christianity in the struggle of good and evil and the conquests of Constantinus, who, unlike Diocletian, did not persecute Christians. Diocletian starts to get visions in which he sees the torture and persecution of his close associates and other innocent Christians. At the end, Diocletian dies suffering in his room at the palace. This epic provides the description of the Diocletian as a warrior, emperor, the old man and the madman and even though he is the negative character, in contrast to the classical epics, he is put in the position of the main character.
Josip Čobarnić
biskup Petar
Keywords (english)
Josephus Ciobarnich
Bishop Petrus
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:240563
Study programme Title: Department of Croatian Latinity; specializations in: Master of Education in Ltin, Roman Literature and Croatian Latinity Course: Master of Education in Ltin, Roman Literature and Croatian Latinity Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra edukacije latinskog jezika, rimske književnosti i hrvatskog latiniteta (magistar/ magistra edukacije latinskog jezika, rimske književnosti i hrvatskog latiniteta)
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Created on 2020-01-30 09:55:56