Abstract | Dosadašnja istraživanja ukazuju na povećanu prevalenciju psihičkih poteškoća kod mladih iz
alternativne skrbi. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je provjeriti postoji li značajno viša razina
depresije, anksioznosti i stresa, promatranih kao emocionalnih stanja, te psihosomatskih
simptoma, kod mladih iz alternativne skrbi u Hrvatskoj, u odnosu na opću populaciju te utvrditi
mogu li se navedena stanja predvidjeti na temelju spola, razine obrazovanja, statusa
zaposlenosti, broja godina provedenih u skrbi, broja godina od izlaska iz skrbi, zadovoljstva
boravkom u skrbi, procijenjenom spremnosti za samostalan život te zadovoljstva trenutnom
socijalnom podrškom. Sudionike je činilo 49 mladih s iskustvom odrastanja u alternativnoj
skrbi. Istraživanje je provedeno online, a korišteni instrumenti bili su Upitnik psihosomatskih
simptoma, Skala depresije, anksioznosti i stresa te upitnik sociodemografskih podataka, kreiran
za istraživanje. Rezultati upućuju na povišene rezultate na skalama depresije, anksioznosti i
stresa, u odnosu na opću populaciju. Prediktorima depresije pokazale su se varijable
zadovoljstvo trenutnom socijalnom podrškom i broj godina od izlaska iz skrbi. Nisu pronađeni
prediktori za anksioznost, stres i psihosomatske simptome. Preporuča se daljnje istraživanje
ove teme u svrhu boljeg razumijevanja te stvaranja programa prevencije i podrške. |
Abstract (english) | Previous research indicates an increased prevalence of psychological difficulties in young
people from alternative care. The aim of this study was to examine whether there is a
significantly higher level of depression, anxiety and stress, viewed as emotional states, and
psychosomatic symptoms, in young people who grew up in care in Croatia, compared to the
general population, as well as to determine whether these conditions can be predicted on the
basis of gender, level of education, employment status, number of years spent in care, number
of years since leaving care, satisfaction with care, assessed readiness for independent living and
satisfaction with current social support. Participants were 49 young adults with experience of
growing up in alternative care. The research was conducted online. The instruments used were
the Psychosomatic symptoms questionnaire, the Depression, anxiety and stress scale, and the
sociodemographic data questionnaire, created for this research.The results suggest elevated
scores on the scales of depression, anxiety, and stress, . Predictors of depression showed to be
satisfaction with current social support and the number of years since leaving care. No
predictors were found for anxiety, stress and psychosomatic symptoms,. Further research on
this topic is recommended in order to better understand and create prevention and support
Keywords: alternative care, depression, anxiety, stress, psychosomatic symptoms, transition to
independence |