Abstract | Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi povezanost adaptivnog i neadaptivnog
perfekcionizma s pokazateljima radne dobrobiti i angažiranosti hrvatskih zaposlenika. U
istraživanju je sudjelovalo 123 sudionika, odnosno zaposlenika heterogenih radnih profila, koji
su ispunili Ljestvicu pozitivnog i negativnog perfekcionizma (PNPS; Terry-Short, Owens, Slade
i Dewey, 1995), Ljestvicu višedimenzionalnog perfekcionizma (MPS-H; Hewitt i Flett, 1991),
Ljestvicu afektivne dobrobiti na poslu (JAWS; Van Katwyk, Fox, Spector i Kelloway, 2000),
Utrecht ljestvicu radne angažiranosti (UWES; Schaufeli, Bakker i Salanova, 2006),
Oldenburški upitnik izgaranja (OLIB; Demerouti, Bakker, Vardakou i Kantas, 2003) te na kraju
Ljestvicu radnog lokusa kontrole (WLCS; Spector, 1988). Podaci su prikupljeni online
anketom, a poziv za sudjelovanje proširen je putem društvenih mreža. Utvrđena je povezanost
sebi-usmjerenog perfekcionizma s višim razinama radne angažiranosti, češćim javljanjem
ugodnih emocija na poslu te manjim razinama iscrpljenosti hrvatskih zaposlenika. S druge
strane, više razine društveno propisanog perfekcionizma povezane su s većom iscrpljenosti,
vanjskim lokusom kontrole te nižom razinom afektivne dobrobiti na poslu. Slični nalazi
dobiveni su korištenjem dvodimenzionalnog modela perfekcionizma, kojim se razlikuju
pozitivne od negativnih perfekcionističkih težnji. Izražene pozitivne perfekcionističke težnje
povezane s višim razinama radne angažiranosti, višim stupnjem afektivne dobrobiti te
izraženijim unutarnjim lokusom kontrole. Nasuprot tome, negativne perfekcionističke težnje
povezane su s višim stupnjem iscrpljenosti hrvatskih zaposlenika te nižom razinom afektivne
dobrobiti. Ovi nalazi ukazuju da bi individualne razlike u perfekcionizmu mogle predstavljati
faktor koji doprinosi većoj radnoj angažiranosti, ali i pojavi sindroma izgaranja na poslu. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this study was to examine the link between adaptive/maladaptive perfectionism and
different indicators of job-related well-being and engagement. 123 Croatian employees from
different organizations participated in the research. They completed Positive and Negative
Perfectionism Scale (PNPS; Terry-Short, Owens, Slade and Dewey, 1995), Multidimensional
perfectionism scale (MPS-H; Hewitt and Flett, 1991), Job-related affective well-being scale
(JAWS; Van Katwyk, Fox, Spector and Kelloway, 2000), Utrecht work engagement scale
(UWES; Schaufeli, Bakker and Salanova, 2006), Oldenburg burnout inventory (OLIB;
Demerouti, Bakker, Vardakou and Kantas, 2003) and finally Work locus of control scale
(WLCS; Spector, 1988). Data was collected through an online survey, and the invite to
participate was distributed via social media platforms. Results show that self-oriented
perfectionism is associated with higher levels of work engagement, more frequent experience
of positive emotions in the workplace, and also lower levels of exhaustion in Croatian
workforce. On the other hand, higher levels of socially prescribed perfectionism are associated
with higher levels of exhaustion, external locus of control and lower levels of job-related
affective well-being. Similar results were obtained using the two-dimensional model of
perfectionism, which distinguishes positive from negative perfectionism. Higher levels of
positive perfectionism were associated with higher levels of work engagement, higher levels of
affective well-being and internal locus of control. Opposite of that, negative perfectionism is
associated with higher levels of exhaustion and lower levels of job-related affective well-being
in Croatian workforce. These findings indicate that individual differences in perfectionism
might be a contributing factor to higher work engagement, but also to burnout in the workplace. |