Title (english) TYPES AND METHODS OF
Author Davor Trbušić
Mentor Danijel Labaš (mentor)
Committee member Stjepan Ćosić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Piskač (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vine Mihaljević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Croatian Studies
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 930.85(497.5) - Cultural history of Croatia
Abstract U radu polazimo od pretpostavke da masovni mediji nužno poprimaju obilježja društva u kojem
djeluju. Takva se dinamika, možda i najvidljivije, zrcali u totalitarnim režimima te se stoga u
prvom dijelu disertacije analiziraju obrisi sovjetsko-komunističke teorije tiska u medijskopromidžbenom sustavu Nezavisne Države Hrvatske. U njemu se rasvjetljavaju društvenopolitičke prilike u kojima su mediji djelovali, donose se ključna obilježja cenzorskog i
propagandnog aparata vladajućeg režima, te se s aspekta deontologije novinarstva razjašnjava
položaj urednika i novinara u redakcijama svjetovnih i vjerskih tiskovina tadašnjeg doba.
Osnovni cilj istraživačkog dijela disertacije bio je promotriti kako se i koje točno postavke
sovjetsko-komunističke teorije, odnosno oblici i načini cenzure očituju pri izvještavanju o
događajima na kojima je javno istupao zagrebački nadbiskup Alojzije Stepinac. Da bi se to
moglo, ponajprije se pristupilo kvantitativnoj i kvalitativnoj analizi sadržaja javnih istupa
nadbiskupa Stepinca od 1941. do 1945. pri čemu je od ukupno devedeset osam (98) dostupnih
istupa izdvojeno njih šezdeset tri (63) iz kojih se iščitava odnos prema tadašnjim društvenim
okolnostima, besmislenosti rata i njegovim pogubnim posljedicama, uzaludnosti pokušaja
uspostave novih društvenih poredaka koji ne poštuju Božje zakone te rasističkoj ideologiji.
Došlo se do zaključka kako je nadbiskup Stepinac u svojim javnim istupima za vrijeme
Nezavisne Države Hrvatske često, vrlo jasno i nedvosmisleno adresirao problem ili određenu
društvenu pojavu pa samim time i eksplicitno prokazivao neprihvatljive politike tadašnjeg
režima. Konačno, temeljem izdvojenih javnih istupa nadbiskupa Stepinca, kvantitativno i
kvalitativno je analiziran sadržaj šest (6) relevantnih svjetovnih i vjerskih tiskovina toga doba.
Rezultati su pokazali kako je odnos svjetovnog i vjerskog tiska prema Stepinčevim javnim
istupima uvelike ovisio o njihovoj dominantnoj temi. Pritom je cenzorsko postupanje ponajviše
primijećeno u izvještavanju o istupima koji su tematizirali uspostavu novih društvenih poredaka
koji ne poštuju Božje zakone te rasističku ideologiju. Tom je dinamikom poglavito obilježen
analizirani svjetovni tisak, dok se kod vjerskog tiska, točnije Katoličkog lista, ne mogu utvrditi
jednaki obrasci uređivačke politike, barem kada je riječ o javnim istupima nadbiskupa Stepinca.
Abstract (english) In this thesis we are led by the assumption that the mass media inevitably adopt the
characteristics of the society in which they operate. Such dynamics is probably most visible in
the totalitarian regimes and hence the first part of the dissertation analyses the outlines of the
soviet communist theory of the press in the media and propaganda system of the Independent
State of Croatia. It illuminates the sociopolitical context in which the media operated, it presents
the key features of the censorial and propagandistic machine of the governance regime, and in
the aspect of deontology it explains the position of editors and journalists in the editorial offices
of the secular and religious press of the era. The main objective of the investigative part of the
dissertation was to identify which tenets of the soviet communist theory, that is, which forms
and methods of censorship were manifested when informing about public appearances of
Alojzije Stepinac, the archbishop of Zagreb. Therefore the quantitative and qualitative analysis
of the content of public appearances of archbishop Stepinac from 1941 to 1945 had to be done
firstly. Out of ninety-eight (98) available statements, sixty-three (63) have been sorted out, and
from these you can read the relation towards the social circumstances of the time, absurdity of
the war and its pernicious consequences, futility of the attempts of setting up new social orders
which do not obey God's laws and the relation towards the racist ideology. It has been concluded
that in his public appearances during the rule of the Independent State Of Croatia archbishop
Stepinac often very clearly and unambiguously addressed the issue or a certain social
phenomenon and thus explicitly reported unacceptable policies of the regime. Finally, on the
basis of archbishop Stepinac's singled out public appearances, the content of six (6) relevant
secular and religious newspapers of the time has been analysed quantitatively and qualitatively.
The results have shown that the relation of the secular and religious press towards Stepinac's
public appearances depended considerably upon their dominant subject. Censorship actions
have mostly been noticed when informing on appearances that thematized the establishment of
new social orders which do not obey God's laws and that of racist ideology. This dynamics is
present mainly in the analysed secular press. These patterns of the editorial policy cannot be
found in the religious press, more precisely at Katolički list, at least when it comes to archbishop
Stepinac's public appearances.
nadbiskup Stepinac
javni istupi
Nezavisna Država Hrvatska
sovjetsko-komunistička teorija tiska
Keywords (english)
Archbishop Stepinac
Public Appearances
The Independent State of Croatia
Soviet Communist Theory of the Press
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:967136
Promotion 2022
Study programme Title: Obtaining a doctorate of science outside of doctoral studies Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-06-06 07:46:02