Abstract | Za vrijeme vladavine engleskog kralja Henrika VIII. engleski dvor bio je središte moći, odnosno političko, kulturno, društveno i gospodarsko središte države. Dvor je nosio titulu najveličanstvenijeg dvora u povijesti Engleske te je služio kao uzor europskim vladarima. Povijesna priča o Henriku VIII. i njegovu dvoru i danas uživa veliku popularnost zahvaljujući mnogobrojnim filmovima, serijama i knjigama, no mnogi primjeri prikazani preko današnjih medija vrlo su površni i stvaraju iskrivljenu sliku o Henriku VIII. i njegovu životu koja se ovim radom nastoji ispraviti. U radu se prvenstveno opisuje život na dvoru Henrika VIII., Henrik, kao okosnica svih događaja, njegov život i osobnost te ozračje u državi koje je zatekao dolaskom na vlast. Predstavlja se organizacija i administracija kraljeve ustanove koja se nalazila u rukama kraljevih visokih službenika, a potom se istražuje tko su bili dvorjani, koja je njihova uloga na dvoru, kako su živjeli, kako su provodili svoje slobodno vrijeme, sudjelujući i uživajući u različitim sportskim događanjima, viteškim turnirima, zabavama, predstavama, itd. Na koncu donosi se percepcija dvora od strane engleskog i europskog društva te kralju bliskih suradnika. Dva ključna pitanja kojima se vodi ovaj rad odnose se na utjecaj dvorjana, točnije, bliskih kraljevih suradnika, na kralja, a time i na politiku dvora, te na percepciju društva o dvoru Henrika VIII. Zbog neposredne blizine i prijateljstva s kraljem, bliski kraljevi suradnici znali su se izboriti za sebe i progurati svoje interese, no ipak u ograničenoj mjeri jer je zadnju riječ imao Henrik VIII. što se posebice očitovalo pred kraj njegove vladavine kada ne propušta iz svog nadzora ni jedan aspekt vlasti. Gradnja ugleda monarhije i dvora kao središta iste bio je Henrikov stil života te je on zahvaljujući svojoj učenosti, karizmi, mnogobrojnim talentima težio k renesansnim idealima i uspijeva ih ostvariti, stoga je percepcija dvora od strane suradnika, engleskog i europskog društva izričito pozitivna i utemeljena. |
Abstract (english) | During the reign of king Henry VIII. english court was the center of power and political, cultural, social and economic center of the country. The court was known as one of the most magnificent palace in the history of England and has served as a role model for other European rulers. The historical story about Henry VIII. and his court still enjoys great popularity thanks to numerous films, TV series and books. Many of this examples shown through today`s media are very superficial and do not present the real picture of Henry VIII. The goal of this paper is to present the real picture about Henry VIII. and his life. This paper describes mainly lifestyle at the court of Henry VIII. in which Henry was the center of all events. It also describes his life, personality and the atmosphere at the court. Furthermore, it represents the organization and administration of royal institution, which was in the hands of king`s high officials, explores who are the courtiers, their role at the court and how they lived. They spent their free time mostly participating in sports events, tournaments, parties and other performances. At the end, describes the perception of the court, by english and european society as well as associates, that were close to the king. Two main issues of this paper, refer to the influence of the courtiers, precisely kings associates, over the king and palace, as well as to the perception of the society about the Henry's court. Thanks to closeness with the king, his associates knew how to stood for themselves and their interests. However, the last word had Henry VIII., which was especially obvious at the end of his regency, when he supervises every aspect of his reign. Building the reputation of the monarchy and the court as it's center, was Henry's lifestyle. Thanks to his knowledge, charisma and numerous talents, he aspired to the Renaissance ideals and was very successful. Therefore, the perception of his court by the associates, english and european society was very positive and justified. |