Sažetak | Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su: (1) ispitati povezanost socio-demografskih karakteristika ispitanika, subjektivnih mjera zadovoljstva životom, zdravljem, pamćenjem te kognitivnih greški i popuštanja, sa pojedinim mjerama sugestibilnosti, te (2) ispitati razlikuju li se osobe u mjerama sugestibilnosti s obzirom na socio-demografske karakteristike, subjektivne procjene zadovoljstva, zdravstvenog stanja, pamćenja, popuštanje te kognitivnih grešaka. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 35 ispitanika prosječne dobi 84.31 godina (15 muškaraca i 20 žena). Od ispitanika su individualno prikupljeni podaci o njihovim socio-demografskim karakteristikama, mentalnom stanju, subjektivnim procjenama zadovoljstva životom, zdravljem i pamćenjem, popuštanjima (Gudjonssonova skala popuštanja, Gudjonsson, 1997) i prisutnost kognitivnih greški (Upitnik kognitivnih greški, Broadbent i sur. 1982), te različiti indikatori istražne sugestibilnosti (Gudjonssonov test sugestibilnosti, Gudjonsson, 1984). Rezultati su pokazali da su sve mjere sugestibilnosti negativno povezane s procjenom mentalnog statusa, samo-procijenjenim zadovoljstvom pamćenjem te količinom upamćenih informacija, a nisu povezane s količinom kognitivnih greški i popuštanjem. Većina ispitanih mjera sugestibilnosti je i pozitivno povezana s dobi ispitanika. Stariji ispitanici, oni čiji je mentalni status procijenjen lošijim, oni koji su manje zadovoljni svojim pamćenjem, te koji pokazuju lošije dosjećanje iskazuju višu sugestibilnost. Uz to, oni koji su manje zadovoljniji svojim životom i fizičkim zdravljem pokazuju višu neposrednu sugestibilnost. Podjela ispitanika s obzirom na količinu konfabulacija, kognitivnih pogrešaka i stupanj iskazanog popuštanja nije rezultirala značajnim razlikama u iskazanoj sugestibilnosti. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aims of this study were: (1) to investigate relationship between socio-demographic characteristics, self-assessed satisfaction with life, health and memory, cognitive failures and compliance with different suggestibility measures, and (2) to investigate differences in participants’ level of suggestibility based on their socio-demographic characteristics, selfassessed satisfaction with life, health and memory, cognitive failures and compliance. The sample consisted of 35 participants (15 males and 20 females). Their average age was 84.31 years. From participants were individually collected following data: sociodemographic characteristics, mental state, self-assessed satisfaction with life, health and memory, level of compliance (Gudjonsson Compliance Scale, Gudjonsson, 1997), level of cognitive failures (Cognitive Failures Questionnaire, Broadbent, 1982), and suggestibility measures (Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale, Gudjonsson, 1984). All suggestibility measures were negatively related to estimated mental state, selfassessed satisfaction with memory and number of recollected information. Suggestibility measure were unrelated to self-assessed level of compliance and cognitive failures. Majority of suggestibility measures were positively related to participants’ age. Older respondents, those with worse mental state, those who were less satisfied with their memory, and those with worse recollection were more suggestible. Those who were less satisfied with their life and physical health also showed higher immediate suggestibility. Differences between participants in level of confabulation, level of self-assessed cognitive failures and compliance did not result in significant differences in suggestibility levels. |