Sažetak | U ovom radu nastoji se kritički propitati ostvarivost slobode u slobodnom društvu koje se temelji na idejnim sastavnicama neoliberalizma. Pritom, sagledavaju se ideje i pristupi teoretičara neoliberalizma te njihove aspiracije za depolitizacijom i fragmentacijom društva. Na početku rada, napravljen je zaseban osvrt na sociološko proučavanje slobode. Sloboda se promatra kao društveni fenomen, a razmatranja se pretežito temelje na identifikaciji društvenih čimbenika koji ograničavaju prostor slobode, napose onih koji se generalno poimaju kao sastavnice društvenog poretka koje ukazuju na postojanje i ostvarivost individualnih sloboda za svakoga pojedinca. Stoga, poimanju slobode i načinima na koje se sloboda ostvaruje u društvenoj realnosti pristupa se u okvirima kritike ideologije. Analiziraju se ekonomske, političke i kulturne dimenzije društvenog poretka slobodnog društva, kao i utjecaj kojeg pojedine sastavnice imaju na ostvarivost slobode na razini subjekta. U tom pogledu, u analizi se sagledava utjecaj ideja slobodnog tržišta, demokracije, liberalnih prava, tolerancije, multikulturalizma, spontanog organiziranja i očuvanja tradicije te slobode izbora. Slijedom toga,kritički se analizirajusagledane komponente društvenog poretka slobodnog društvate seističeproblematika slobode izbora i ideološki karakter neoliberalnog tumačenja slobode. Završni dio rada bavi seraspravom o odnosu univerzalnosti i partikularnosti te o ideološkoj reprodukciji ideje slobode u neoliberalnom slobodnom društvu. Također, u završnomse dijelu rada razmatraju posljedice ideološkog tumačenje slobode u neoliberalnom okviruu kontekstu otuđenja. Zaključno, ukazuje se da ideološko izjednačavanje slobode i društvene realnost rezultira fragmentacijom društva, pa se društvena realnost i sloboda počinju ostvarivati kao puki element različitih diskursa. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This paper attempts to critically examine the achievability of freedom in a free society based on the ideological components of neoliberalism. In doing so, the ideas and approaches of neoliberal theorists and their aspirations for depoliticization and societal fragmentation are considered. At the beginning of the paper, a separate reflection is made on the sociological study of freedom. Freedom is viewed as a social phenomenon, and the considerations are predominantly based on the identification of social factors that limit the space of freedom, particularly those generally perceived as components of the social order that indicate the existence and achievability of individual freedoms for each individual. Therefore, the understanding of freedom and the ways in which freedom is realized in social reality are approached within the framework of ideology criticism. The economic, political, and cultural dimensions of the social order of a free society, as well as the influence that individual components have on the achievability of freedom at the individual level, are analysed. In this regard, the impact of ideas such as the free market, democracy, liberal rights, tolerance, multiculturalism, spontaneous organization, preservation of tradition, and freedom of choice are examined. Consequently, the analysedcomponents of the social order of a free society are critically analysed, highlighting the issues of freedom of choice and the ideological nature ofthe neoliberal interpretation of freedom. The final part of the paper discusses the relationship between universality and particularity, as well as the ideological reproduction of the idea of freedom in a neoliberal free society. Additionally, in the concluding section of the paper, the consequences of the ideological interpretation of freedom within the neoliberal framework are discussed in the context of alienation. In conclusion, it is pointed out that the ideological equating of freedom and social reality results in the fragmentation of society, where social reality and freedom begin to be realized as mere elements of different discourses. |