Sažetak | Rastuća izloženost 'savršenim' tijelima u reklamama duboko narušava mentalno zdravlje žena,
poticanjem nesigurnosti i uspoređivanja s drugima, a na kraju može rezultirati i javljanjem
nezadovoljstva vlastitim izgledom. Postavlja se pitanje predstavljaju li takve prakse
promoviranja savršenstva i asociranja vlastitog brenda s tim marketinškim strategijama zaista
najefikasniji način privlačenja potrošača. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je provjeriti odnos
nezadovoljstva tjelesnim izgledom, ličnosti brenda, stava prema brendu te namjere za kupnjom
u oglašavanju. U svrhu boljeg razumijevanja navedenog odnosa, provedeno je online
istraživanje na uzorku od 341 studentice preddiplomskog studija u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Studentice su bile slučajno raspoređene u tri skupine gdje je jedna skupina bila izložena oglasu
s prikazom modela 'idealističkih' tipova tijela (n = 108), druga skupina je bila izložena oglasu
s prikazom modela različitih oblika tijeka (n = 107) te treća skupina je bila izložena oglasu s
prikazom samo proizvoda brenda (n = 126). Studentice su ispunjavale upitnike
sociodemografskih podataka, zadovoljstva tjelesnim izgledom, stava prema brendu, ličnosti
brenda i namjere kupnje brenda. Rezultati dobiveni u ovom istraživanju ukazuju kako
studentice koje su bile izložene oglasima s modelima različitih oblika tijela i oglasu s prikazom
samo proizvoda opisivale brend zanimljivijim, privlačnijim, uvjerljivijim, informativnijim i
uočljivijim te sve u svemu imale pozitivniji stav prema brendu od studentica koje su bile
izložene oglasu s 'idealističkim' prikazima tijela modela. Uz to, iste skupine su brend opisivale
poželjnijim osobinama ličnosti, poput savjesnosti, ekstraverzije te, u slučaju prve grupe i
ugodnosti, ali imale i veću namjeru kupnje proizvoda tog brenda. Moderacijski utjecaj
zadovoljstva vlastitim tijelom na odnos vrste oglasa s prethodno navedenim varijablama nije
utvrđen, to jest skupine koje su bile izložene oglasima s različitim tijelima modela i oglasima
samo s prikazima proizvoda pozitivnije su procjenjivale stav, ličnosti i namjeru kupnje brenda
bez obzira na zadovoljstvo vlastitim tijelom. Uz dodatno teorijsko razumijevanje ove
problematike, praktičan doprinos ovog istraživanja usmjerava brendove da stavljaju doživljaje
svojih potrošača u fokus i da „mršavost prodaje“ nije legitimno opravdanje za isključivo
promoviranje savršenstva u oglašavanju. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The increasing exposure to "perfect" bodies in advertisements deeply undermines women's
mental health by fostering insecurities and comparisons with others, potentially leading to
dissatisfaction with their own appearance. This raises the question of whether such practices of
promoting perfection and associating one's brand with these marketing strategies are indeed the
most effective way to attract consumers. The aim of this research was to examine the
relationship between body dissatisfaction, brand personality, brand attitude, and purchase
intention in advertising. To better understand this relationship, an online survey was conducted
with a sample of 341 undergraduate female students in the Republic of Croatia. The students
were randomly assigned to three groups: one group was exposed to an ad featuring models with
'idealistic' body types (n = 108), the second group to an ad featuring models with various body
shapes (n = 107), and the third group to an ad featuring only the brand's product (n = 126). The
female students filled out questionnaires on sociodemographic data, satisfaction with physical
appearance, attitude towards the brand, brand personality, and brand purchase intention. The
results of this study indicate that students exposed to advertisements featuring models of
different body shapes and advertisements showing only the product described the brand as more
interesting, attractive, convincing, informative, and eye-catching, and overall had a more
positive attitude towards the brand compared to students exposed to advertisements with
'idealistic' depictions of model bodies. Additionally, these same groups described the brand with
more desirable personality traits, such as conscientiousness, extraversion, and in the case of the
first group, agreeableness, but also had a greater intention to purchase the brand's products. The
moderating effect of body satisfaction on the relationship between the type of advertisement
and the previously mentioned variables was not established. In other words, groups exposed to
advertisements featuring different body types of models and advertisements displaying only
products evaluated brand attitude, personality, and purchase intention more positively,
regardless of their satisfaction with their own body. Beyond providing further theoretical
understanding of this issue, the practical contribution of this research directs brands to focus on
their consumers' experiences and asserts that "thinness sells" is not a legitimate justification for
exclusively promoting perfection in advertising. |