Sažetak | Tema ovog diplomskog rada je Utjecaj straha i krivnje na glavne likove u romanima Kiklop, Ranka Marinkovića i Zločin i kazna, Fjodora Mihajloviča Dostojevskog. Analiza ovih dvaju djela temelji se na poznavanju pojmova straha i krivnje, stoga će oni biti objašnjeni na početku ovog rada. Nakon toga slijedi prvi dio rada – roman Kiklop, biografija i stvaralaštvo pisca Ranka Marinkovića, koji nam omogućuju da roman Kiklop smjestimo na vremenskoj crti i definiramo razdoblje kojem pripada. Kiklop je roman o ljudima i cjelokupnoj atmosferi uoči Drugog svjetskog rata. Glavni motiv romana je strah koji će biti prikazan kroz lik Melkiora Tresića. Strahom gonjen on se izgladnjuje kako bi izbjegao moblizaciju. Pomoću brojnih citata pokazat će se kako strah oblikuje glavnog lika – Melkiora Tresića te na koji način utječe na njegovo djelovanje. Također, pokazat će se na koji način ostali likovi romana Kiklop potenciraju strah protagonista. Nadalje, na primjeru Melkiora bit će prikazan i aspekt krivnje, i također potvrđen citatima. Na kraju prvog dijela slijedi zaključak o posljedicama koje proizlaze upravo iz utjecaja straha i krivnje na lik Melkiora. Drugi dio rada obuhvaća roman Zločin i kazna, započinje biografijom F. M. Dostojevskog i vremenskim određenjem romana u razdoblje realizma. Također, iznesen je sažetak radnje kao i prikaz likova, odnosno njihovog utjecaja na glavnog lika – Rodiona Romanoviča Raskoljnikovog. Nadalje, poseban naglasak stavljen je na prikaz glavnog lika kroz stanja u koje ga dovodi strah, a naposljetku i krivnja. U zaključnom dijelu ovog rada dolazimo do usporedbe straha Melkiora Tresića, suočenog s Kiklopom Polifemom, odnosno ratnom opasnošću i straha Rodiona Romanoviča Raskoljnikovog radi počinjenog zločina, dvostrukog ubojstva motiviranog teorijom o nadčovjeku. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The theme of this paper is Influence of fear and guilt on the main characters in novels Cyclops, Ranko Marinković and Crime and Punishment, Fjodor Mihajlovič Dostojevski. The analysis of these two works is based on knowing the terms of fear and guilt, and so they will be explained at the beginning of this paper. After that, the first part of the work - novel Cyclops, biography and authorship of the writer Ranko Marinković - will be followed, which will enable us to locate the novel Cyclops on the timeline and define the 48 period to which it belongs. The Cyclops is a novel about people and the overall atmosphere of the Second World War. The main motive of the novel is fear that will be depicted through the character of Melkior Tresić. He is struggling and staving himself to avoid moblization. With numerous citations it will be shown how fear forms the main character - Melkior Tresić and how it affects his actions. Also, it will be shown how other characters of the Cyclops novel emphasize the fear of the protagonists. Furthermore, the aspect of guilt will be presented in the example Melkior, and also confirmed by quotations. A conclusion about the consequences that result from the impacts of fear and guilt on the character Melkior follows at the end of the first part. The second part of the work includes the novel Crime and Punishment, and begins with the biography of F. M. Dostojevski and the timing of the novel in the period of realism. Also, a summary of the action was presented, as well as a description of the characters, that is, their influence on the main character - Rodion Romanovič Raskoljnikov. Furthermore, a special emphasis is placed on the image of the main character through states of fear, and ultimately in guilt. In the concluding part of this paper, we come to a comparison of the fear of Melkior Tresic, faced with Cyclops Polifem, namely the dangers and fears of Rodion Romanovic Raskoljnik's for the perpetrated crime, a double murder motivated by the theory of superhuman. Key words: Cyclops, Ranko Marinković, Crime and punishment, Fjodor Mihajlovič Dostojevski, fear, guilt 49 |