Sažetak | Zanimanje programera uključuje velik broj sati proveden pred računalom rješavajući
složene probleme s ciljem pružanja optimalnog razvojnog rješenja (Šojat, 2020). S obzirom
na sve učestaliji problem anksioznih i depresivnih zaposlenika u softverskim kompanijama,
te povećanom vjerojatnosti da na radnom mjestu programera osobe doživljavaju umor,
sagorijevanje i stres (Graziotin i sur., 2014), cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istražiti koje
odrednice predviđaju psihološku dobrobit programera. Točnije, cilj je bio istražiti ulogu
emocionalne inteligencije, mračne trijade i negativnih aspekata programiranja u objašnjenju
psihološke dobrobiti programera i programerki. Kako bi se to moglo ispitati, korišteni su
sljedeći upitnici: Skala depresije, anksioznosti i stresa (DASS-21 – Depression, Anxiety,
Stress Scale; Lovibond i Lovibond, 1995), Schutte-ova skala (Self report emotional
intelligence test, SREIT, Schutte i sur., 1998), Kratka skala mračne trijade (Short Dark Triad,
Jones i Paulhus, 2014) i Upitnik negativnih aspekata programiranja (Šojat, 2020). Za potrebe
ovog istraživanja sudionici su odgovarali i na pitanja koja su se odnosila na sociodemografske
karakteristike, poput spola, dobi, godina radnog staža i tip tvrtke u kojoj rade (tvrtka koja
razvija vlastiti proizvod ili agencija). U ovom je istraživanju sudjelovalo 92 programera i
programerki. Rezultati su pokazali kako su emocionalna inteligencija i psihološka dobrobit
značajno pozitivno povezane, kao i tip tvrtke u kojoj programeri rade, točnije, oni programeri
koji rade u tvrtkama koje razvijaju vlastiti proizvod izvještavali su o višim razinama
psihološke dobrobiti. S druge strane, negativni aspekti programiranja su značajno negativno
povezani sa psihološkom dobrobiti. Nadalje, psihopatija je negativno značajno povezana sa
psihološkom dobrobiti. Regresijskom analizom u koju su bile uključene emocionalna
inteligencija, negativni aspekti programiranja, tip tvrtke i psihopatija objašnjeno je 43 %
varijance psihološke dobrobiti, a kao najbolji prediktor pokazala se emocionalna
inteligencija. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su kako programeri i programerke u
Hrvatskoj generalno imaju dobru sliku psihološke dobrobiti. Temeljem rezultata, različite
psihoedukacije na temu emocionalne inteligencije i psihološke dobrobiti mogle bi dodatno
poticati dobrobit kod populacije programera. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Programming involves a large number of hours spent in front of a computer solving complex
problems to provide an optimal development solution (Šojat, 2020). Given the increasing
problem of anxious and depressed employees in software companies, and the increased
likelihood that as a programmer a person experiences fatigue, burnout, and stress (Graziotin et
al., 2014), this study aimed to investigate which determinants predict the psychological wellbeing of programmers. Specifically, the goal was to explore the role of emotional intelligence,
the dark triad, and the negative aspects of programming in explaining the psychological wellbeing of programmers. To examine this, the following questionnaires were used: Depression,
Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21 - Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale; Lovibond and
Lovibond, 1995), Schutte Scale (Self Report Emotional Intelligence Test, SREIT, Schutte, et
al., 1998), Short Dark Triad, Jones and Paulhus, 2014, and Questionnaire of Negative Aspects
of Programming (Šojat, 2020). For the purposes of this research, participants also answered
questions related to sociodemographic characteristics, such as gender, age, years of work
experience, and the type of company in which they work (a product based company or agency).
92 male and female programmers participated in this research. The results showed that
emotional intelligence and psychological well-being were significantly positively related, as
well as the type of company in which developers work (more specifically, those developers
working in product companies reported higher levels of psychological well-being). On the other
hand, the negative aspects of programming are significantly negatively related to psychological
well-being. Furthermore, psychopathy is negatively significantly associated with psychological
well-being. Regression analysis, which included emotional intelligence, negative aspects of
programming, type of company, and psychopathy explained 43% of the variance of
psychological well-being, and emotional intelligence proved to be the best predictor. The
results of this research showed that developers in Croatia generally have a good psychological
well-being. Based on the results, different psychoeducations on the topic of emotional
intelligence and psychological well-being could further promote well-being in the programmer
Keywords: psychological well-being, emotional intelligence, programming,
negative aspects of programming |