Sažetak | Ovaj se rad bavi kontrastivnom analizom priopćenja za javnost Vlade Republike Hrvatske i
Vlade Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. S obzirom na to da su priopćenja za javnost važan alat
u odnosima s javnošću, mnogi su se znanstvenici bavili njima iz teorijske perspektive, ali i iz
praktične. Specifična su tekstna vrsta čije je glavno obilježje hibridnost. Naime, priopćenja za
javnost služe kako bi neka organizacija informirala svoju javnost, ali njihov je izvor
istovremeno i predmet priopćenja te su stoga i alat samopromocije. O priopćenjima za javnost
kaže se da su unaprijed oblikovana – osmišljena kako bi se prenosila što vjernije u izvornom
obliku. Unatoč mnogim znanstvenim člancima i knjigama o ovoj tekstnoj vrsti u kontekstu
poslovnih organizacija, priopćenja za javnost vlada relativno su neistraženo područje. Ona su
oblik političke komunikacije, tj. komunikacije između vlasti i građana, i stoga su u svojoj
naravi drugačija od onih iz poslovnoga svijeta. U ovom se radu analiziraju i opisuju glavna
strukturna, sadržajna i jezično-stilska obilježja priopćenja za javnost dviju vlada te se
razmatraju njihove sličnosti i razlike. Također se razmatra postoje li podvrste ove tekstne
vrste i koja su njihova obilježja. Osnovni je cilj rada saznati više o ovoj tekstnoj vrsti te time
doprinijeti ukupnom znanju o ljudskoj komunikaciji. Uz osnovni cilj koji je u osnovi teorijski,
drugi je cilj rada pragmatički jer ovo istraživanje može doprinijeti boljoj komunikaciji države
i njezinih građana, kao i boljem novinarskom pristupu takvoj komunikaciji. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This thesis deals with the contrastive analysis of the press releases of the Croatian
Government and the Government of the United States. Since press releases are an important
public relations tool, many researchers have explored them from a theoretical perspective, but
also from a practical one. Press releases are a specific type of text, whose main feature is
hybridity. Organizations utilize them to inform their publics, but the source of the
communication also happens to be its main subject, which makes press releases a selfpromotion
tool. Press releases are also said to be preformulated – designed to be retold as
closely as possible in their original form. Despite many scientific articles and books about this
type of text in the context of business, government press releases are a relatively unexplored
area. They are a form of political communication, that is, communication between a
government and its citizens and are therefore different in their very nature from those in the
business world. This thesis describes the press releases of the two governments in terms of
their structure, content and linguistic and stylistic features. It also explores their similarities
and differences. Furthermore, it examines whether there are variations of this text variety and
considers their characteristics. The main objective of this thesis is to find out more about this
text variety and thereby contribute to the overall knowledge of human communication.
Besides the main objective, which is theoretical in nature, the second objective is a pragmatic
one because this research can contribute to better communication between the state and its
citizens, as well as better handling of such communication by the media.
Through macro and microstructure analysis, this thesis describes the press releases of the two
governments in terms of their structure, content and linguistic and stylistic features. It also
explores their similarities and differences. Furthermore, it examines whether there are
variations of this text variety and tries to identify their characteristics. The work has two
objectives, one is theoretical, to learn more about this type of a text and thereby contribute to
the overall knowledge of human communication, while the second is pragmatic because this
research can contribute to better communication between the state and its citizens, as well as
better handling of such communication by the media.
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