Sažetak | Drama Gospoda Glembajevi djelo je jednog od najznačajnijih hrvatskih književnika 20. stoljeća, Miroslava Krleže. Miroslav Krleža ostvario se u gotovo svim književnim vrstama te je iza sebe ostavio neprocjenjiv literarni rad. Glembajeve je pisao između 1926. i 1930. godine te je ta drama dio ciklusa o Glembajevima u koji se ubrajaju i Leda te U agoniji. Te su drame prožete psihološkom karakterizacijom likova, stoga se ubrajaju u psihološku fazu Krležinog stvaranja. Drame su napisane po uzoru na Henrika Ibsena, odnosno na nordijsku školu. Jedna od osobitosti drama je i jezik, agramerski jezik, obilježen brojnim germanizmima. Katkada su i cijeli odlomci pisani na njemačkome jeziku. U dramama ključni su sukobi, sukobi koji se ne odvijaju samo među likovima, već su protagonisti u sukobu sami sa sobom. Drame se dakle bave egzistencijalnim stanjima pojedinaca. Gospoda Glembajevi jedna su od najpoznatijih transgeneracijskih hrvatskih priča, podijeljena u tri čina. U drami ključna je prošlost i nasljeđe, koje oblikuje sadašnjost i budućnost. Glavni protagonist drame je Leone Glembaj, koji se nakon dugo godina izbivanja vraća u svoj roditeljski dom, dom u kojemu se osjeća popust stranca. Njegov identitet je raslojen, prezire glembajevštinu, svoga oca i odbija biti dio Glembajevih, dok svoju pokojnu majku idealizira te se identificira kao Danielli. Njegov um prožet je legendom da su Glembajevi ubojice i varalice te ga ta legenda vodi kroz život. Većina Glembajevih završava ubojstvom, samoubojstvom ili bolesnim umom, a i sam je doživio znatan broj tragedija u kući Glembajevih. Proživio je smrt sestre, brata i majke. Za majčinu smrt krivi oca te barunicu Castelli, suprugu svoga oca, zlu demonsku ženu, koju Leone prezire, iako je prije mnogo godina bio u ljubavnom odnosu s njom. Kroz dramu se Leone odupire glembajevskoj krvi u sebi, no što se drama više bliži kraju to je veza između njega i Glembajevih jača. Jedina svjetla točka u kući Glembajevih je udovica njegovog brata, dominikanka Angelika. Njegova ličnost je raslojena, njegov um pomućen te se uočava da su događaji iz prošlosti na njega ostavili neki oblik traume. Leone je dokaz da se od nasljeđa ne može pobjeći. Na kraju drame, Leone postaje sve ono čega se on bojao i čemu se odupirao, on postaje ubojica. Narav i sudbinu Glembajevih je dobio u nasljeđe i tome se ni uz sav trud nije mogao oduprijeti te su Glembajevi pravi primjer da smo svi mi produkti svoga nasljeđa. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The drama The Glembays is the product of one of the most important Croatian writers of the 20th century, Miroslav Krleža. Miroslav Krleža accomplished himself in almost all literary genres and left behind him an invaluable literary work. He wrote Glembays between 1926 and 1930, and that play is part of the cycle about Glembaje, which also includes Leda and In agony. These dramas are imbued with the psychological characterization of the characters, therefore they are included in the psychological phase of Krleža's creation. The plays were written on the model of Henrik Ibsen, that is, on the Nordic school. One of the peculiarities of the drama is the language, an ungrammatical language, characterized by numerous Germanisms. Sometimes entire passages were written in German. In dramas, conflicts are key, conflicts that do not only take place between characters, but the protagonists are in conflict with themselves. Dramas therefore deal with the existential states of individuals. The Glembays is one of the most famous transgenerational Croatian stories, divided into three acts. In the drama, the past and heritage are key, which shape the present and the future. The main protagonist of the play is Leone Glembaj, who after many years of absence returns to his parents' home, a home in which the concession of a stranger is felt. His identity is stratified, he despises the Glembay people, his father and refuses to be part of the Glembay family, while he idealizes his late mother and identifies himself as Danielli. His mind is imbued with the legend that the Glembays are murderers and cheats, and that legend guides him through life. Most of the Glembajes end up with murder, suicide or a sick mind, and he himself experienced a considerable number of tragedies in the Glembaje house. He lived through the death of his sister, brother and mother. He blames his father for his mother's death and Baroness Castelli, his father's wife, an evil demonic woman whom Leone despises, even though he was in a love relationship with her many years ago. Throughout the drama, Leone resists the Glembay blood in him, but the closer the drama gets to the end, the stronger the bond between him and Glembay. The only bright spot in the Glembay house is his brother's widow, the Dominican Angelika. His personality is stratified, his mind is clouded, and it can be seen that the events of the past have left some form of trauma on him. Leone is proof that heritage cannot be escaped. At the end, Leone becomes everything he feared and resisted, he becomes a murderer. He inherited the nature and destiny of the Glembays, and even with all his efforts, he could not resist that, and the Glembays are a true example that we are all products of our heritage. |