@book{ifzg:917, author = {{Aristotel, Stagiranin and Medo, Antun}}, title = {{Aristotel: Metafizika XII i Antun Medo: Tumačenje dvanaeste knjige Aristotelove Metafizike}}, } @book{ifzg:916, author = {{Porfirije, Tirski and Medo, Antun}}, title = {{Porfirije: Uvod (Predikabilije) i Antun Medo: Neke primjedbe o Porfirijevim Predikabilijama}}, } @inbook{ifzg:926, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel and Leth Fink, Jakob}}, title = {{Introduction to Volume 2: Sleeping and Dreaming in Aristotle and the Aristotelian Tradition}}, } @inbook{ifzg:60, author = {{Boršić, Luka and Skuhala Karasman, Ivana and Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Croatian Renaissance Philosophy}}, } @inbook{ifzg:1061, author = {{Boršić, Luka and Gregorić, Pavel and Skuhala Karasman, Ivana}}, title = {{Croatian Renaissance Philosophy}}, } @inbook{ifzg:439, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{The Origin and the Instrument of Animal Motion – De Motu Animalium Chapters 9 and 10.}}, } @inbook{ifzg:430, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Aristotle’s Transparency: Comments on Katerina Ierodiakonou, “Aristotle and Alexander of Aphrodisias on Colour”}}, } @article{ifzg:389, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Alexander of Aphrodisias on the Common Sense}}, } @book{ifzg:440, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel and Porobija, Željko}}, title = {{Horizonti ateizma: prepiska o vjeri, znanosti i smislu života}}, } @inbook{ifzg:428, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Pogovor hrvatskom izdanju Daniel C. Dennett, "Vrste umova"}}, } @article{ifzg:388, author = {{Franjević, Damjan and Gregorić, Pavel and Pušić, Bruno}}, title = {{What do Biologists Make of the Species Problem?}}, } @mastersthesis{hrstud:694, author = {{Tomljenović Belicza, Borna}}, title = {{Stvar po sebi: suvišni koncept ili epistemički ideal?}}, } @mastersthesis{hrstud:721, author = {{Križić, Ninoslav}}, title = {{Teorija evolucije i katolički nauk o učenju}}, } @phdthesis{hrstud:1808, author = {{Pušić, Bruno}}, title = {{PROBLEM VRSTE I SUVREMENA BIOLOGIJA}}, } @phdthesis{hrstud:1809, author = {{Bazdan, Vanda}}, title = {{AUTENTIČNI SKEPTICIZAM: RAZGRANIČENJE DIJALEKTIČKE PROTUTEŽE POZITIVNOJ EPISTEMOLOGIJI}}, } @article{ifzg:390, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Anna Marmodoro, "Aristotle on Perceiving Objects"}}, } @inbook{ifzg:429, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Pogovor hrvatskom izdanju knjige J. A. Coynea "Zašto je evolucija istinita"}}, } @mastersthesis{hrstud:413, author = {{Pospiš, Luka}}, title = {{Epicurean and Stoic Epistemology: The Criteria of Truth}}, } @article{ifzg:395, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel and Pfeiffer, Christian}}, title = {{Grasping Aristotle's Intellect}}, } @article{ifzg:393, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel and Lewis, Orly}}, title = {{Pseudo-Aristotelian "De Spiritu": A New Case Against Authenticity}}, } @article{ifzg:394, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Review of J.C. Thom (ed.): Cosmic Order and Divine Power. Pseudo- Aristotle, "On the Cosmos"}}, } @article{ifzg:391, author = {{Lewis, Orly and Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{The Context of "De Spiritu"}}, } @article{ifzg:392, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel and Kuhar, Martin and Lewis, Orly}}, title = {{The Substance of "De Spiritu"}}, } @article{ifzg:397, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel and Kuhar, Martin}}, title = {{Aristotle’s Physiology of Animal Motion: On Neura and Muscles}}, } @article{ifzg:398, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Metoda podjele ekliptike u antici}}, } @article{ifzg:399, author = {{Betegh, Gabor and Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Multiple Analogy in Ps.-Aristotle, De Mundo 6}}, } @article{ifzg:401, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel and Corcilius, Klaus}}, title = {{Aristotle’s Model of Animal Motion}}, } @article{ifzg:400, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Dvije kulture: prirodne i humanističke znanosti}}, } @misc{ifzg:444, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{On Small and Closed Academic Environments}}, } @article{ifzg:404, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Prikaz knjige Bo Göransson i Claes Brundenius (ur.), "Universities in Transition: The Changing Role and Challenges for Academic Institutions”}}, } @article{ifzg:403, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{The First Humans in Plato’s Timaeus}}, } @article{ifzg:402, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Universities in Transition: The Changing Role and Challenges for Academic Institutions, Bo Göransson i Claes Brundenius, ured., New York, NY i Dordrecht: Springer, 2011, xiii + 366 str.}}, } @article{ifzg:405, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Ομοσε Χωρειν: Simplicius, Corollarium De Loco 601.26–8 (Diels)}}, } @article{ifzg:431, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Aristotle’s ‘Common Sense’ in the Doxographic Tradition}}, } @article{ifzg:432, author = {{Corcilius, Klaus and Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Separability vs. Difference. Parts and Capacities of the Soul in Aristotle}}, } @article{ifzg:407, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Review of Christopher Shields, "Aristotle"}}, } @article{ifzg:406, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Socijalna pravednost nije temeljna vrijednost sustava visokog obrazovanja}}, } @article{ifzg:410, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Aristotel o diobi duše}}, } @article{ifzg:411, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Michael Frede (1940–2007)}}, } @book{ifzg:442, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Aristotle on the Common Sense}}, } @article{ifzg:413, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Izgubljeni komentar Aristotelovih Kategorija u "Arhimedovom palimpsestu"}}, } @article{ifzg:414, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Review of Nancy Sherman, "Stoic Warriors: The Ancient Philosophy behind the Military Mind"}}, } @article{ifzg:415, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{W. K. C. Guthrie: Povijest grčke filozofije 1: Rani predsokratovci pitagorovci}}, } @article{ifzg:103, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel and Grgić, Filip}}, title = {{Aristotle's Notion of Experience}}, } @article{ifzg:417, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Quantities and Contraries: Aristotle’s Categories 6, 5b11-6a18}}, } @article{ifzg:419, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Hrvatska filozofska periodika i novi Pravilnik o uvjetima za izbor u znanstvena zvanja}}, } @article{ifzg:420, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Ksenofont: "Sokratova obrana"}}, } @article{ifzg:421, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Plato’s and Aristotle’s Explanation of Human Posture}}, } @article{ifzg:418, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Porfirije, O Plotinovu životu i poretku njegovih spisa}}, } @article{ifzg:422, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Uz Zoreov osvrt "Imperij zdravog razuma"}}, } @article{ifzg:423, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Epiktet: Knjižica o moralu - Razgovori}}, } @article{ifzg:424, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Review of Jonathan Barnes (ed.), "Porphyry: Introduction"}}, } @inbook{ifzg:438, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Aristotelova teorija sanjanja}}, } @article{ifzg:425, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Giovanni Reale, Sokrat: K otkriću ljudske mudrosti}}, } @inbook{ifzg:122, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel and Grgić, Filip}}, title = {{Uvod}}, } @article{ifzg:426, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{The Heraclitus Anecdote ( De Partibus Animalium i 5.645a16-24)}}, } @article{ifzg:427, author = {{Gregorić, Pavel}}, title = {{Prikaz knjige Platon, "Menon", priredio F. Grgić}}, }