pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn ffri:4001 "journal article" "Is Autism a Mental Disorder According to the Harmful Dysfunction View?" "Bošnjak, Mladen" ffri:4088 "journal article" "Is Autism a Mental Disorder According to the Harmful Dysfunction View?" "Bošnjak, Mladen" ffri:2879 thesis "The Criminal Responsibility of Persons within the Autistic Spectrum" "Bošnjak, Mladen" ffri:3322 "journal article" "Više je ipak bolje: Epistemički interesi i prirodne vrste" "Bošnjak, Mladen; Brzović, Zdenka" hrstud:1697 thesis "Psihička bolest i moralna odgovornost" "Bošnjak, Mladen"