Abstract | Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati obilježja povezanosti perfekcionizma sa
samopoštovanjem i osjećajem srama i krivnje kod studenata i studentica. U istraživanju
je korišten prigodan uzorak od 202 sudionika (Nž=117, Nm=85), studenata Fakulteta
hrvatskih studija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, smjera psihologije i Visoke policijske škole u
Zagrebu. Sudionici su ispunili niz upitnika, točnije Višedimenzionalni upitnik
perfekcionizma (Stoeber, Otto, Pescheck, Becker i Stoll, 2007), Skalu osjećaja srama i
krivnje (Marschall, Saftner i Tangney, 1994) te Upitnik samopoštovanja kao stanja
(Heatherton i Polivy, 1991). Uz to, prikupljeni su podaci o dobi, rodu i fakultetu na
kojem sudionici studiraju. Rezultati pokazuju postojanje statistički značajne razlike
između studentica i studenata na dimenzijama srama i krivnje te na podljestvici
socijalnog samopoštovanja, pri čemu studentice ostvaruju više prosječne vrijednosti na
dimenzijama srama i krivnje, dok studenti ostvaruju više vrijednosti na podljestvici
socijalnog samopoštovanja. Značajna razlika nije pronađena na ljestvici akademskog
perfekcionizma te na podljestvici izvedbenog samopoštovanja. Utvrđena je statistički
značajna negativna povezanost podljestvice adaptivnog perfekcionizma sa sramom i
krivnjom te značajna pozitivna povezanost podljestvice adaptivnog perfekcionizma sa
samopoštovanjem vezanim uz izvedbu kod muškaraca, dok kod žena nije utvrđena
značajna povezanost. Također, utvrđena je statistički značajna pozitivna povezanost
podljestvice neadaptivnog perfekcionizma sa sramom i krivnjom te značajna negativna
povezanost neadaptivnog perfekcionizma i samopoštovanja vezanog uz izvedbu te
socijalnog samopoštovanja kod muškaraca, dok je kod žena utvrđena značajna pozitivna
povezanost neadaptivnog perfekcionizma i krivnje te negativna povezanost
neadaptivnog perfekcionizma sa socijalnim samopoštovanjem. Utvrđena je i statistički
značajna razlika između sudionika s obzirom na rezultat na adaptivnom i neadaptivnom
perfekcionizmu, pri čemu osobe s manje izraženim perfekcionizmom na obje
podljestvice iskazuju bolje socijalno i izvedbeno samopoštovanje te manji osjećaj
Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na drugačiji obrazac povezanosti adaptivnog i neadaptivnog
perfekcionizma sa samopoštovanjem, sramom i krivnjom na muškom i ženskom
uzorku, što upućuje na važnost zasebnog izučavanja odrednica perfekcionizma kod žena
i muškaraca. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of the research study was to examine the relationship between perfectionism
and self-esteem, shame and guilt in college students. A total of 202 students (Nf=117,
Nm=85) from the Faculty of Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb as well as from the
Police Academy, Zagreb (Ministry of the Interior), participated in the study. The
participants completed the Multidimensional Questionnaire of Perfectionism (Stoeber,
Otto, Pescheck, Becker, Stoll, 2007), the State Shame and Guilt Scale (Marschall,
Saftner i Tangney, 1994) and the State Self-esteem Questionnaire (Heatherton and
Polivy, 1991). In addition, they responded to a list of questions such as data about age,
gender and faculty at which they are studying. The results show the statistically
significant difference between men and women on subscales of shame and guilt, on
which females achieved higher average values, as well as on the subscale of selfesteem, on which men achieved higher average values. A significant difference wasn't
found on the scale of the academic perfectionism as well as on the subscale of
performance self-esteem. Regarding the male sample, we found the statistically
significant negative difference between the subscale of adaptive perfectionism and
shame and guilt as well as the statistically significant positive correlation between
adaptive perfectionism and performance self-esteem. Also, the statistically significant
positive correlation was found between the subscale of maladaptive perfectionism and
shame and guilt as well as the statistically significant negative correlation between
maladaptive perfectionism and performance self-esteem on male sample, whereas we
found the statistically significant positive correlation between maladaptive
perfectionism and guilt as well as the negative correlation between maladaptive
perfectionism and social self-esteem, on the female sample. Finally, the statistically
significant difference was found between students regarding the result they achieved on
the adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism scale, where students with lower result on
both subscales of perfectionism, show better social and performance self-esteem as well
as lower feeling of guilt.
The given results show different patterns of correlation between adaptive and
maladaptive perfectionism with self-esteem, shame and guilt on both male and female
samples, which indicates the importance of individual study of perfectionism between
the opposite genders. |