Title Kibernetika kao filozofijska teorija
Title (english) Cybernetics as a Philosophical Theory
Author Filip Šoljić
Mentor Sandro Skansi (mentor)
Committee member Marko Kardum (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Željka Metesi Deronjić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandro Skansi (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philosophy
Abstract Ovaj diplomski rad usmjeren je na proučavanje kibernetike kao filozofske teorije i njezinog
opsežnog utjecaja na nekoliko znanstvenih i društvenih područja. Početni dio istraživanja
naglašava temeljni značaj kibernetike kao filozofske teorije i ocrtava važne riječi koje služe kao
temeljni okvir za studiju. Povijesna analiza kibernetike obuhvaća sveobuhvatno ispitivanje njenog
ponovnog oživljavanja kao znanstvenog polja, ključnu ulogu koju je kibernetička grupa odigrala
u njenom napretku i značajan utjecaj koji je izvršio Norbert Weiner u razvoju temeljnih koncepata
kibernetike. Analiza temeljnih principa kibernetike uključuje posvemašnje ispitivanje relevantnih
pojmova, uključujući petlje povratnih informacija, dinamičku međuigru između sustava i njihove
okoline, te značaj komunikacije i kontrole unutar područja kibernetike. Nadalje, ovaj diplomski
istražuje konceptualizaciju ontologije u okviru kibernetike i ispituje paradigmatske promjene koje
proizlaze iz te veze. Područje kibernetike uspostavlja snažnu vezu između svog teorijskog okvirai
filozofije uma, oslanjajući se na sličnosti između kibernetičkih principa i filozofskih perspektivao
prirodi uma. Također ispituje duboki utjecaj kibernetike na cjelokupni napredak filozofije uma.Uz
pogled na filozofske implikacije kibernetike, ovaj diplomski rad bavi se ispitivanjem korištenja
kibernetičkih principa unutar područja društvenih znanosti ali ne i bez kritičke procjene gore
spomenute primjene, stoga daje pregled opsega i ograničenja korištenja kibernetike u društvenim
Istovremeno, kibernetika je podložna kritičkoj analizi i rađa sukobe kojima se pristupa iz više
perspektiva, uključujući pitanja vezana uz determinizam, redukcionizam i etičke posljedice koje
proizlaze iz primjene kibernetičkih principa. Zaključak diplomskog rada daje pregled primarnih
nalaza i zaključaka, naglašavajući autorov stav o značaju kibernetike kao filozofskog sustava sa
širokim i dubokim razgranavanjem na sve domene suvremenog društva.
Abstract (english) This thesis is focused on the study of cybernetics as a philosophical theory and its extensive
influence on several scientific and social fields. The initial part of the research emphasizes the
fundamental importance of cybernetics as a philosophical theory and outlines important wordsthat
serve as a basic framework for the study. A historical analysis of cybernetics includes a
comprehensive examination of its resurgence as a scientific field, the key role the cybernetic group
played in its advancement, and the significant influence Norbert Weiner exerted in developing the
fundamental concepts of cybernetics. An analysis of the fundamental principles of cybernetics
includes a thorough examination of relevant concepts, including feedback loops, the dynamic
interplay between systems and their environment, and the importance of communication and
control within the field of cybernetics. Furthermore, this thesis explores the conceptualization of
ontology within cybernetics and examines the paradigmatic changes resulting from this
connection. The field of cybernetics makes a strong connection between its theoretical framework
and philosophy of mind, drawing on similarities between cybernetic principles and philosophical
perspectives on the nature of mind. It also examines the profound influence of cybernetics on the
overall development of the philosophy of mind. With a view to the philosophical implications of
cybernetics, this thesis deals with the examination of the use of cybernetics principles within the
field of social sciences, but not without a critical assessment of the aforementioned application,
therefore it provides an overview of the scope and limitations of the use of cybernetics in social
At the same time, cybernetics is subject to critical analysis and generates conflicts that are
approached from multiple perspectives, including issues related to determinism, reductionism, and
ethical consequences arising from the application of cybernetic principles. The conclusion of the
thesis provides an overview of the primary findings and conclusions, emphasizing the author's
position on the importance of cybernetics as a philosophical system with broad and deep
ramifications to all domains of contemporary society.
Filozofska teorija
Povijest kibernetike
Koncepti kibernetike
Filozofija uma
Društvene znanosti
Norbert Wiener
The Cybernetics Group
Keywords (english)
Philosophical Theory
History of Cybernetics
Concepts of Cybernetics
Philosophy of Mind
Social Sciences
Norbert Wiener
The Cybernetics Group
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:245994
Study programme Title: Department of Philosophy; specializations in: scientific, teaching Course: scientific Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra filozofije (magistar/magistra filozofije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-09-26 09:00:18