Title Društvena rekacija na nasilnički kriminalitet kod žena
Title (english) The socil reaction to the violent behavior of women
Author Tihana Puškadija
Mentor Irena Cajner Mraović (mentor)
Committee member Marija Brajdić Vuković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Dremel (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Cajner Mraović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Sociology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology
Abstract Društvena reakcija na nasilnički kriminalitet kod žena promatrana je kroz neformalne oblike, odnosno stigmatizaciju i medijski prikaz žena prijestupnica te kroz kaznenopravnu reakciju kao oblik formalne društvene reakcije. Kako bi se objasnio kriminalitet žena, isti je promatran kroz teoriju anomije, teoriju diferencijalne asocijacije i identifikacije te teoriju etiketiranja. Cilj istraživanja u ovome radu bio je istražiti kretanje i strukturu prijavljenih, optuženih i osuđenih punoljetnih ženskih osoba u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 2009. do 2013. godine te međusobno usporediti udjele istih. Jednako tako nastojalo se utvrditi razlike u vrstama odluke za kaznena djela protiv života i tijela te kaznena djela protiv braka, obitelji i mladeži s obzirom na spol u Hrvatskoj u predviđenom razdoblju. Izvori podataka za ovo istraživanje su službene statistike Državnog zavoda za statistiku. Istraživanjem se ustanovilo da se, uz prosječne godišnje oscilacije, bilježi trend smanjenja ukupnog broja prijavljenih, optuženih i osuđenih punoljetnih osoba ženskog spola za kaznena djela protiv života i tijela te za kaznena djela protiv braka, obitelji i mladeži. Najveći broj kaznenih djela obuhvaćen je u podskupini ´ostalih´ kaznenih djela, kod kojih se bilježe i najveće oscilacije u broju prijavljenih, optuženih i osuđenih žena u promatranom razdoblju. također, istraživanjem je ustanovljena razlika u vrstama odluke za kaznena djela protiv života i tijela te za kaznena djela protiv braka, obitelji i mladeži s obzirom na spol, pri čemu se bilježi, uz prosječne godišnje oscilacije, trend smanjenja ukupnog broja optuženih osoba obaju spolova koji su proglašeni krivima, koji nisu proglašeni krivima, kojima je izrečena oslobađajuća presuda, odbijajuća presuda ili obustava postupka. Utvrđen je veći ukupan broj optuženih muškaraca, u odnosu na ukupan broj optuženih žena, prema ovim vrstama odluke.
Abstract (english) The social reaction to the violent behavior of women was observed through informal ways, i.e. stigmatization and media representation of women offenders and through response of criminal justice system as a form of formal social reaction. To explain the criminality of women, the one is observed through theory of anomie, differential asoociation and identification theory ant labeling theory. The aim of this study was to see into trends and structure of reported, accused and convicted adult women in Croatia from 2009 to 2013 and compared them with one another. Likewise, it was intended to establish the differences in the types of decisions for crimes against life and body as well as crimes against marriage, family and youth with regard to sex in Croatia within the prescribed period. Sources of data for this study are the official statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics. The research found that, with average annual fluctuations, the trend of decrease in the total number of reported, accused and convicted adult women for crimes against life and body and for crimes against marriage, family and youth. The largest number of criminal offenses covered in the subgroup ´other´ crimes, in which are recorded the highest variation in the number of reported, accused and convicted women in the observed period. Also, research has established the difference in the types of decisions for crimes against life and body and for crimes against marriage, family and youth with regard to sex, wherein the records, with average annual fluctuations, the trend of decrease in the total number of accused persons of both sexes who were found guilty, not guilty, who were acquitted, whose trial resulted in a verdict of abandonment or whose charges were dissmised during the trial. It was established a higher total number of accused men, in relation to the total number of accused woman, according to these types of decisions.
nasilnički kriminalitet žena
kaznenopravna reakcija
Keywords (english)
violent behavior of women
reaction of criminal justice system
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:985838
Study programme Title: Department of Sociology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sociologije (magistar/magistra sociologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2015-11-23 10:47:38