Sažetak | Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos privrženosti ocu, samopoštovanja, ljubomore i
strategija zadržavanja partnera u romantičnim vezama. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 855 žena
u dobi od 16 do 40 godina starosti koje su u trenutku istraživanja bile u heteroseksualnoj vezi
te koje poznaju svoga oca ili nekoga tko im predstavlja očinsku figuru. Istraživanje je
provedeno online te su sudionice ispunile Inventar privrženosti roditeljima i vršnjacimaSubskalu privrženosti ocu, Revidiranu skalu samoprihvaćanja i samokompetentnosti,
Multidimenzionalnu skalu ljubomore te Upitnik zadržavanja partnera (ženska verzijaheteroseksualna veza).
Rezultati ukazuju na stabilnost privrženosti ocu tijekom života te na povećanje razine
samopoštovanja na prijelazu iz adolescencije u mlađu odraslu dob. S porastom dobi dolazi do
pada razine emocionalne i kognitivne ljubomore te većine strategija zadržavanja partnera.
Utvrđeno je kako su strategije intraseksualnih i interseksualnih manipulacija najizraženije kod
srednjih raspona dužine trajanja veze, a slabije izražene na početku veze i u dugotrajnim
vezama. Dobivene su negativne korelacije između kvalitete privrženosti ocu i samopoštovanja
te između privrženosti i ljubomore i privrženosti s pojedinim strategijama zadržavanja partnera.
Također, oba aspekta samopoštovanja negativno koreliraju sa sve tri dimenzije ljubomore i
većinom strategija zadržavanja partnera. Konačno, dobivene su pozitivne korelacije između
sve tri dimenzije ljubomore i svih strategija zadržavanja partnera. Na kraju je provedeno
ispitivanje moderacije regresijskom analizom. Rezultati sugeriraju kako je u dvije najstarije
dobne skupine odnos privrženosti ocu i bihevioralne ljubomore negativan, dok u ostalim
dobnim skupinama povezanosti te dvije varijable nema. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The relationship between attachment to the father, self-esteem, jealousy, and mate retention
strategies in romantic relationships
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between attachment to the father, selfesteem, jealousy, and mate retention strategies in romantic relationships. The research involved
855 women aged 16 to 40, who were in a heterosexual relationship at the time, and who stated
that they knew their father or someone who represented their father figure. The study was
conducted online, and the participants completed the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment,
Self-liking/ self-competence Scale - Revised Version, Multidimensional jealousy scale and
Mate Retention Inventory (female version – heterosexual relationship).
The results indicate the stability of attachment to the father throughout life and an increase in
the level of self-esteem at the transition from adolescence to young adulthood. With growing
older, the level of emotional and cognitive jealousy and most mate retention strategies decline.
It was found that the strategies of intrasexual and intersexual manipulations were most
pronounced in medium-term relationships, and less pronounced at the beginning of a
relationship and in long-term relationships. Negative correlations were observed between the
quality of attachment to the father and self-esteem, between attachment and jealousy, and
between attachment and some of the mate retention strategies. In addition, both aspects of selfesteem negatively correlate with all three dimensions of jealousy and with most of the mate
retention strategies. Ultimately, positive correlations were found between all three dimensions
of jealousy and all mate retention strategies. Finally, a moderation examination was carried out
by regression analysis. The results suggest that in the two oldest age groups, the relationship
between father attachment and behavioural jealousy is negative, while in the other age groups,
there is no connection between the two variables. |